more than friends

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Warnings: fight

You and Lando had been really good friends for a while now.He would always treat you like his sister,but lately things have changed and he started to show you more of his feelings he has hid from you.

Lando invited you to one of the loudest parties in Monaco and you couldn't deny him.You both needed some time away from reality and a lot of fun.The party was going fine and you both enjoyed yourselfs.

You talked to some of the girls that were there and Lando was sitting on the couches with his friends,still having his eyes on you and watching every move you made.He noticed one guy standing behind you,his stares were always on your ass.At first he didn't do anything about it and tried to keep himself calm,but things were about to take a turn.

-"Hey beautiful,can I have a dance with you?",he spoke right into your ear,making you slightly uncomfortable.

-"No thank you.I'm alright."

-"Come on,just a quick little one!",he started to touch your waist.His hands wandered down to your bum.

-"Stop it!",you hecticly turned arround to him and tried to free yourself from his grip,but nothing worked.You started to panic and search for Lando in the crowd,but he was nowhere to see.

-"Didn't you hear her asshole?",he pushed him away from you.His fists started to clench and the anger was building up in him.

-"No,she doesn't seem to care.Simple whore.",that was enough for Lando to throw his fists at the guy.He punched him straight into his face.He had a bleedy nose,but that didn't stop Lando.Another hit again in the face.

-"You touch her once again and I'll breake your fucking neck.",he hissed into his face,he was about yo hit him once again,but you tried to push him off the guy.

-"Lando please!Stop it!",you begged him.

-"Did he hurt you?",he asked worried.

-"No,I'm alright!",he looked at you with anger in his eyes,not towards you,but the guy.

-"Are you sure?"

-"Yes,please Lando.Let's get out of here."

You took Landos hand and you both made your way out of the club.It was dark outside and the streets were quiet.

-"Can I take you to my place?",you asked him.

-"I don't want to cause you any problems dear."

-"Please let me take care of your cuts,please."

Lando sat down at the edge of your bathtub and rolled his sleeves up.

-"Stop,let me please.",you layed your hand on top of his to stop his movements.You gently pulled his sleeve up and grabbed his hand.His knuckles were red and bloody,little cuts were spread arround his hands.

-"Does it hurt?",you sweetly asked him,while cleaning his cuts with a wet towel.You tried to be as carefull as possible.

-"No,not really.",he couldn't stop looking at you.

-"What?",you chuckled.

-"You are beautiful Y/n.",he wispered.He pulled his hand out of your grip and put a string of your hair behind your ear.He gently let his hand wander to your cheek,he softly carassed it and looked at your lips.

-"Just friends huh?"

-"Ou Y/n if you only knew what I feal for you."

-"Then show me."

He pulled you closer to him and attached his lips to yours.

Ok,so I decided to upload my first chapter of my story today,because I keep changing things and I am just afraid I won't post it if I don't do it now.I thought it was shit and almost deleted it.💀

Lando Norris OneshotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant