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Warnings: mature language

Fuck this son of a bitch.How could I ever think that he could be the men of my life.He really thinks that he is so fucking cool acting like this.Fuck him it's over for you.He will never find a girl like you again,how could you lower your standarts to that level?

You pulled your phone out and clicked on his name.Seconds later he answered the call.

-"Y/n,please listen to me!Please!"

-"It's fucking over Alan!You really think that I will forgive you once again?Do you even know how free I feel?I feel so fucking good,I never felt that way!",you laughed out loud.

-"You don't mean it Y/n!Let's talk!"

-"Fuck of boy!I am fucking amazing!I will finally life all by myself and I will show you what you fucking lost!It's over Alan!It's fucking over,grow up!"

-"If this is what you want then I will respect it,but I won't give up!"

-"I don't need you Alan.You are a walking red flag.How often did you cheat on me?Fucking 3 times!I don't need you!Bye!",you ended the call feeling fucking amazing.So free and amazing.He will finally just be a stupid story from back then.

The urge to party and get drunk just hit you.You felt better than ever before.You run up to your closet and pulled out the most revealing,short,sexy,black dress out.Your make up stronger than ever.Heavy black eyeshadow,but still looking good.You pulled the dress over your legs,it was that short that your panties were almost visible.A pair of black heels now on your feet.You sprayed yourself with perfume and walked out of your appartment,straight to thr club in the city of Monaco.

You showed the bodyguard your Id and walked into the loud club.Adrenaline immediately shot through your body.Loud music,hot guys and alcohol were the only things you could think about.You walked up to the barman and asked for a drink.

-"The strongest shots you have!",you said.

-"Are you sure?They are actually strong?"

-"I don't care 5 of them please!"

The barman handed you the shots over and you immediately swallowed one,pulling a face.You took the second one and the third one,till you ran out.

-"Another 3!"

-"Miss are you sure?"


You swallowed your 8th shot and felt how your mind got heavy.That was exactly the feeling that you were craving.

-"Hey beautiful.Is the seat free?",a random man asked.He looked delicious and so hot.

-"It's all yours!',you could see that he was already a bit drunk,just like you.

-"What were you drinking?"

-"I don't even know ask him!",you said pointing at the barman and laughing about your drunkness.

-"4 of them man!",he ordered.

-"Who are you?",you asked.

-"Lando and you?"

-"Y/n,nice to meet you!"

-"You are beautiful you know?"

-"And you are handsome,you know?"

The shots got served and you both took the first one together and then the second one.

-"Would you like to dance?",he asked you.

-"I would love to!",the both of you stood up a little tipsy after the shots you just took and walked to the dancing floor.

Lando placed his hands on your nearly naked ass and you started to move to the song that just got played.You didn't think about anything in that moment.Dancing with the stranger felt so good to you.You never had a moment like that with Alan.

You turned over and started to move your hips on Landos crotch.You could hear him groan softly,because of the way your bodies were connected.Lando turned you over and placed his hand on the back of your head,pulling you into a rough kiss,just the way you wanted.Who is he?Where is he from?Everything that mattered to you,was just to meet him once again.

Had to take a little break from writing guys!Hope you like it!

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