Chapter 5

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Her alarm ringing is what finally brought Eleanora out of her deep sleep. She hit it weakly, finally turning it off. She kept her head buried in the pillows for a few moments before sitting up, squinting around the room.

She rubbed her eyes, groaning as she quickly stretched. Looking at the time, she sighed, stood up and grabbed her clothes for the day, walking down the steps that led to her room.

When she reached the bathroom door, she stared at Meredith's room, hurling insults and curses at the woman and whoever she brought into the house last night in her head.

As I was opening the door, George came out, still running a towel through his hair. He looked at Eleanora, his eyes widened and he stopped her steps when he noticed the look on her face.

Replacing her normal, cheerful, sweet self was what George could only describe as a monster. Murderous eyes, with a scowl and a growl replacing the usual smile on her lips. "G-good morning?"

"No," She fumed, "It's not a good day. It's a horrible morning! I slept four hours in total, probably less, and I had to smother my face with a pillow to block out the raw sounds of the many, many rounds of "Meredith." She grabbed George by his shirt and pulled him out of the bathroom, entering. "Now, I have to get ready and shower with painfully cold water because you and Izzie are selfish and don't save hot water for me, and I used toothpaste that someone lost weeks ago!"

She turned, stomping her foot as she grabbed the doorknob. "So, no, George, it's not a good day, nor will it be!" Once she was done, she slammed the door and locked it, leaving George staring at the wood with an expression of shock and true fear.

"Meredith's sexual adventures have broken Eleanora!" George shouted in a whisper at Izzie, his face pale and still shaken from the interaction with his youngest roommate not long ago. "She's... she's mean! "

Izzie huffed, stirring the cream into her coffee. "Eleanora Amedeo? What do you mean? George, the lack of sleep must have made you worse than we originally thought."

He shook his head, gripping the side of the table as he sat down. "No, Izzie, I'm serious. She's mean."

Izzie opened her mouth again, but was interrupted by Eleanora coming down the steps. Her eyes burned with anger as she walked into the kitchen, looking at George and Izzie.

Izzie's eyes widened, looking at Eleanora angrily making her morning bagel. She moved her eyes to George, who only nodded quickly. "Bad." He muttered, quickly looking down as Eleanora turned around.

"Has the guy come down the stairs yet?" She asked under her breath.

"Guy? Like singular? With that much noise, I doubt it was one." Izzie spoke, laughing lightly as she sat next to George.

"Yeah, do you mind if I don't think about that?" George groaned and wrinkled his nose in disgust. Eleanora rolled her eyes and moved to the other side of the island, jumping on the counter.

"Oh? Jealous?" Izzie asked, raising an eyebrow.

George sputtered, a blush rising to his cheeks. "No! I'm not... jealous!"

"Please, the only person who doesn't know about your crush on Meredith is Meredith." Eleanora grumbled. Izzie turned around in her chair to look at her with an impressed look, George looked at her with a hurt expression.

Before anyone could speak, the sound of someone running down the stairs caught the three's attention. Her eyes turned to the door, George leaned on the back legs of the chair to look and Izzie glanced around her. Eleanora only moved slightly from her position, glaring.

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