Chapter 4

515 15 0

S7 EP6

A Camera focuses on three women as they put on yellow trauma gowns. He gets a little closer to them, and on the screen, the editors have decided to put their names and occupation.

surgical resident

surgical resident

surgical resident

Eleanora helps Cristina tie the back of her robe, the three of them obviously in a slight hurry. Meredith looks at the camera crew and talks, trying to update them on what was going on.

"We are on a trauma rotation, so it is our job to attend to and evaluate each medical emergency as it arrives."

"Y-you have to work fast, with speed in your steps. These are the most crucial moments in patient care, and they can make or break the case." Eleanora adds, looking at the camera as she tied her hair into a ponytail.

The camera then cuts to the outside of a trauma room, peeking through the blinds as doctors work on the patient. A motorcycle accident with severe head trauma.

"Talk to me, Amedeo." Shouts Dr. Owen Hunt, Chief of Trauma Surgery. Eleanora looked up from where she was concentrating on the patient.

"His peripheral IV is broken, pressures are plummeting." She tells him, returning her focus to the patient.

The camera crew focused on Cristina, who is standing in the back slightly pale-faced and anxious while her two friend's work. The room becomes more chaotic as the patient begins to code, and after a few minutes, Meredith speaks.

"I have sinus!"

The camera follows Eleanora's actions as she puts away the paddles, the microphones pick up her and Cristina's whispers.

"Yes, but half of his brain is on the ground, so..."

"Inappropriate, Cristina. Time and place, remember?"

The camera focuses on Hunt as he listens to the patient's heart, the redhead sighs before loudly announcing that the patient is brain dead. A few seconds later, Derek enters the room from where he was looking outside and begins to discuss something with Hunt.


"We, uh, we are fourth-year surgery residents. And, uh, we're friends, you know, good friends." Cristina answers the question from the man behind the camera. She, Eleanora and Meredith were sitting in a conference room for their first interview session. Eleanora is sitting between her two friends, with a soft smile on their lips as she plays with her wedding band and engagement ring.

"Mhm, it's pretty impossible to work so closely and not become good friends." Meredith speaks, the three of them laughing a little.

"Yeah, we've been on this show together since our internship year. That's four years where we pretty much spend every waking hour together. So yeah, we're really good friends." Eleanora adds, her smile widening as Meredith and Cristina continue laughing.

The camera cuts back to the emergency room, where Eleanora, Cristina, and Meredith are working to get a patient off v-tech. On screen, the editors have decided to expand the friendship of the three.

During the shooting, Dr. Yang performed emergency surgery on a colleague at gunpoint. The colleague was Dr. Grey's husband.

Dr. Amedeo-Sloan was one of the staff members who was shot. One of the two colleagues of hers who found her and took her out of the hospital and ultimately saved her life, was Dr. Yang's husband.

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