Chapter 24

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Eleanora turns the corner of a hallway in Boise, eyes wide. Bailey and Richard are behind her, Zola nestled in Bailey's arms.

Eleanora walked through the doors of the small area the woman at the front desk told them to go to, her eyes dancing around. They landed on Meredith first, and a muffled noise left Eleanora's mouth as her hand flew toward her mouth.

Seeing Zola in Bailey's arms, Meredith stops fighting the Doctor at her side. Bailey rushes to hand Zola over, Eleanora feels Richard squeeze her shoulder for a moment.

The doctor approaches them, his eyes a little sad. "You are the people of-"

"Mark Sloan." Eleanora demanded, tearing her eyes away from Meredith to look at the doctor. "Where is Dr. Mark Sloan?"

The Doctor winced at the emotion in her voice, but nodded. "He is currently in surgery. He had cardiac tamponade and severe lung damage. I can update you as soon as I know something."

Eleanora squeezes her eyes shut, fear rising in her. Turning her head slightly, Richard moves to rub a hand in circles on her back in hopes of keeping her calm.

"O-Oh God." She whispered to herself. After a moment, she sniffles and turns to the doctor in front of her. "What about Maxwell Amedeo? And Lexie Grey? How's Max? He's fine, right?"

The Doctor's eyes hardened, and the expression on his face was one that Eleanora was all too familiar with. It was exactly the same one she used when she had to tell a patient....

"No." Eleanora choked and Richard stiffened next to her. "No, no. No-no...Max can't be dead. Please, God, tell me he's not dead!"

"I'm sorry. But Maxwell Amedeo and Dr. Lexie Grey were found dead at the scene. There's... there's not much left, so I'm not sure-"

Eleanora lets out a cry of pain, her entire body collapsing beneath her as she feels her entire heart break into a million little pieces. Richard grabs her and holds her as she lets out sobs, her hands flying to clutch at his shirt.

"No! N-no! No....My little brother! Oh God, not my Max!"


Eleanora sat next to Mark's bed in Boise, holding his hand in both of hers. Her body was still shaking with some sobs, and she rested her forehead on their clasped hands.

He had left the operating room, but had not yet woken up. They had him hooked up to almost every machine imaginable, and Eleanora was terrified.

"You have to wake up, honey." She whispered, moving her head to look at him again. She reached out to gently caress his cheek, careful not to touch the tube in his mouth. "I can't... I can't do this without you, Mark Sloan. Our boys can't do this without you. So please, just... wake up for me."

There was no answer.


Eleanora leaned against the wall of Mark's room at Seattle Grace. They had just landed about forty-five minutes ago, and Mark had been automatically set in a private room.

Eleanora sniffles and looks at her phone in her shaking hands. She noticed someone moving next to her and looked at Alex. Her bloodshot eyes and red nose were the only proof that she had been crying. She looked forward, breathing deeply.

"Everyone is in their rooms. Meredith and Yang are fine, Derek is stable. We don't know much about Arizona's leg, and Mark...."

"Mark is going to be fine." Eleanora snapped, looking back at her phone. "He's going to be fine."

It was silent again; the two friends were standing in complete and utter silence. The air was thick, and Eleanora felt bile rise in her throat. She took a quick, sharp breath, biting the inside of her cheek.

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