Chapter 6

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Leaving the bathroom after finishing getting ready, Eleanora smelled a horrible smell. Her nose wrinkled as she fanned herself in front of her face, deciding to follow the scent to find the culprit.

She found her answer when she walked into the kitchen and saw Meredith preparing some eggs for Lexie, who was sitting at the island with a slightly terrified look in her eyes.

"Ella, do you want eggs?" Meredith asked, looking up for a moment. She seemed a little exhausted, as if she didn't know what she was doing. " I can make a toast for you if you want?"

Eleanora gave her a smile, shaking her head as she walked around the island to open the refrigerator. "No, it's okay! I've been wanting to eat this yogurt since last night."

Meredith hands the plate to Lexie, the younger sister looks at Meredith with bright eyes. Derek snorted, informing Eleanora and Alex, who had just entered, of what was going on.

"Meredith cooked. She wanted to do something nice for Lexie."

"Did you cook this for me?" Lexie asked quietly and Meredith nodded. She was obviously trying to act like it was no big deal, and Eleanora hid her excited smile as she ate a spoonful of her yogurt.

She had really wanted Lexie and Meredith to start getting along. She was friends with both Greys and little by little she was getting tired of handling both of their problems separately. Plus, she grew up with three brothers and tons of cousins ​​and knew how important family was.

"It's not a big deal." Meredith puts the frying pan in the sink, wincing at the burnt pieces of egg. "Just eggs and avocado and... whatever cheese was in the fridge."

"Oh, I love, um, avocados." Lexie stuttered, giving the eggs a slightly scared look. Eleanora frowned but she couldn't comment on it, instead she looked at the time on the clock by the door.

She let out a small curse and finished her yogurt quickly, rushing to grab her bag. Everyone turned to look at her, Lexie spit out some food when Meredith wasn't looking with a disgusted expression on her face.

"And where do you think you're going?" Meredith called her. Eleanora put the strap of her bag on her shoulder, giving her an apologetic smile.

"I promised Mark, I'd meet him for coffee. Normally I just take it at the hospital, but he was whining and saying that Hannah was complaining about not seeing me."

She waved goodbye to her friends, stumbling around the corner and outside to try and get out at top speed, knowing she had to catch the bus in the next eight minutes if she didn't want to be left behind since George confiscated her keys last night.

Meredith made a noise, looking at her boyfriend in exasperation. Derek didn't seem pleased with the knowledge that Eleanora practically had a date with Mark Sloan, and a grunt was heard from Alex.

Lexie took another shaky bite of her food, sinking a little in her chair as tension filled the room.

"These are really good, Meredith. They're...chewy. I-I like...chewy eggs?"

The bell above the door rang, causing Mark to look up from where he was sitting. He let a smile form on his lips as he saw a blushing Eleanora enter, her eyes dancing over the people in the room.

When they finally landed on Mark, she perked up, practically jumping towards him. "Good morning, Mark!"

He was going to get up to pull out her chair, but ended up slowly sitting back down when she sat down, rambling.

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