Chapter 21

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Eleanora pushed through the crowd at the airport, her suitcase rolling behind her. She rubbed her eyes and took a deep breath. She had just gotten off the plane that brought her from Chicago's Northwestern Memorial.

She looked at her watch and cursed under her breath. Her shift started in less than an hour, which meant she wouldn't have time to go home and see-


Eleanora raised her head at the familiar voice, and a smile spread across her face as she saw Mark holding Luca and Elijah in the stroller.

Eleanora ran over and practically dropped her suitcase when she reached her three boys. She leaned down to place a kiss on Elijah's head and she straightened up to place a kiss on Mark's lips as she took Luca from his arms.

"You didn't have to come get me!" Eleanora told him, Luca making excited babbling noises as he caressed Elenaora's cheek. "I'm going to be getting on and off planes a lot in the next few weeks. You can't possibly do this all the time, Mark."

"Watch me." He told her, pressing another kiss to her lips as she leaned down to grab her suitcase. "How was Northwestern? Did they like you?"

"As far as I can tell, yes." Eleanora breathed, bouncing Luca up and down as the family of four turned around and began heading to the parking lot. "They said they would give me the student loan, they would pay for my moving expenses, they would give me a sizable salary, and they would give me a lab just for my own research."

"Of course they would. You're one of the most sought-after neurosurgery fellows this year." At the look she gave him, Mark scoffed. "I'm not just saying that because you're my wife. Everyone in surgery knows Derek Shepherd, which means they know the resident he's practically turned into another version of him. Everyone loves you."

Eleanora felt a blush forming on her cheeks, and she smiled. She looked at Luca and kissed him on the nose. She looked back at Mark, with happy words.

"Johns Hopkins called me at my hotel room last night. They said they would like to get me in for an interview for next week. I told them I would let them know tomorrow morning when I can come. I can ask for it to be by video if-"

"I can handle the boys, Nora." Mark assured her. "This is the most important decision of your career. You are allowed to be excited about all these opportunities."

"Sure," Eleanora breathed, nodding her head. She had a goofy smile on her face, looking forward again. "I'm allowed to be excited."


Eleanora walks into the residents' lounge with Meredith and Cristina, holding a large basket of gifts in her and Cristina's arms.

"Oh, this is getting ridiculous!" April complained, pouting. "They must be running out of room for all these baskets!"

Jackson sat up, grabbing the card from Cristina's basket. "The NIH? Since when does the NIH bribe residents to work for them?"

Eleanora sat her gift basket next to Cristina's, laughing as she opened the plastic wrapping. She let out an excited noise when she saw the chocolate covered strawberries, automatically picking one up.

"Oh, they don't." Cristina stated, sending him a satisfied smile. "Except when you're me—a God."

"And you?" Jackson snapped, looking at Eleanora. "Who sent you something this week?"

"Harvard." Eleanora says pretentiously, putting a strawberry in her mouth. "The card was very sweet and boosted my ego."

Alex bursts in, stealing a strawberry from Eleanora's basket and a cookie from Cristina's. Both women let out offended gasps, Eleanora throws the plastic wrapper at him.

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