Chapter 25

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Eleanora leans on top of the desk in the main lobby, flipping through her most recent patient's chart. She turns the pen around and her eyes dance across the page.

She feels people watching her and looks up, furrowing her eyebrows a little when she sees that Jo Wilson, a new intern, is standing a few feet away. Her frightened eyes turn to Meredith, who is standing next to Eleanora, wearing a matching navy-blue scrub set.

"Um...Meredith?" Eleanora speaks, causing Bailey to look around her and follow the Attending Neuro's gaze. Meredith hums, taking a moment before looking up. Bailey scoffs, raising an eyebrow at Wilson.

"What is the problem?" Bailey asks the intern; Wilson takes a deep breath before answering.

"I have these tests for Dr. Grey." Finally stuttering, Eleanora snorts a little before moving her amused eyes to Meredith, who just rolls hers as she listens.

"Well, then give them to her." Bailey said slowly, Wilson finally stepping forward to approach the three Attendings.

"I've been waiting for you for more than an hour." Meredith takes a step, finally turning and focusing on the brunette.

"I had to make a detour-" Wilson tries, interrupting Meredith.

"Stop making excuses."

"I'm sorry-"

"Stop apologizing."


"Stop talking."

Eleanora hides her smile, sharing a look with Bailey, who had a satisfied smile. Meredith browses through the labs, talking to Wilson.

"Her lactic acid is normal. What does that tell us?" Wilson is quiet for a moment; Meredith lets out an annoyed sigh. "You can speak now."

"It's probably not septic, so she's going to be fine!" Wilson states, with a proud look on her face. When she notices that Meredith's face remains unamused, she hesitates. "Although her white blood cell count is high, so I should probably keep an eye on it. In fact, I'll keep an eye on it so she doesn't go-"

"Go to the emergency room and try not to kill anyone." Meredith snaps at her intern, turning toward her desk. Eleanora and Bailey watch Wilson sulk, Eleanora sends Meredith a small glance.

"You're mean. The interns are pretty and adorable, and we can turn them into amazing surgeons. But no, you've decided it's better to look down on them."

"It worked for us." Meredith teased her back, Eleanora rolling her eyes a little before refocusing on her chart.

"I think it's impressive." Bailey states, sending the two a small smile. "I would have expected that level of intimidation from Yang, maybe. Not from you. By the way, how is Yang? Does she like Minnesota?"

Meredith stiffens a little and Eleanora glances at her out of the corner of her eye. She watches as Meredith clenches her jaw and decides to answer for her, turning her head to send Bailey a bright smile.

"She loves it, snow and all."


Eleanora enters the ER with Derek, the two go to Callie. The sight of her was relatively new to the hospital workers, and yet it brought a small smile to some of their faces.

Derek and Eleanora, while still teacher and student, were both board-certified neurosurgeons. They were both wearing the navy-blue scrubs associated with Seattle Grace-Mercy West logo, and it looked great on them.

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