Chapter 7

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When Eleanora woke up to Alex's arm around her waist and her curled up next to him. She smiled into his bare chest, giving him a small kiss as she sat up. He made a grumbling sound, but turned sideways away from her.

She swung her legs off the bed, looking for something to wear. She really didn't have time to check and see if there were big windows anywhere last night, and she honestly didn't want to walk around naked.

She saw one of Alex's long-sleeved shirts on his dresser and got up to put it on. It fell halfway down her thighs and she snuck out of the room. She saw her purse thrown carelessly on the counter. She jumped, reaching through it to grab her phone.

She saw that she had about an hour and a half to get to the hospital, and quickly responded to some text messages she had received overnight.

[from: Meredith]
I guess you went home with Alex, but
izzie kept texting me
worried and motherly, so maybe just
text her when you receive this.

[to: Meredith]
will do, thanks!

[from: Izzie]
where are you?
[from: Izzie]
I know you went with Alex, but usually
You let us know when you won't be home.
[from: Izzie]
[from: Izzie]
Mer told me to relax, so
I am. Just send me a text
when you receive these
Let me know that you are not dead!!!

[to: Izzie]
sorry for worrying you! I went home
with Alex and ended up falling asleep.
I'm fine and I'll see you at work :)

[from: Mom]
Hello Piccolina! Just checking for
make sure we are still
good to go visit you next
week! Enzo said that Jenna won't be able to leave
from work, so it'll just be me, you
father and your brothers and sister

[For Mom]
of course! we don't have space in the house to
let all of you sleep there, but Meredith

said you guys could come over for dinner the first night.
Come visit us tonight! I'll try to
change shifts with someone so that we can go
sightseeing, but I don't know if it will work. Tell everyone
I'm excited! I love you!!

Eleanora heard Alex's alarm go off and he groaned loudly. She laughed as she heard him curse at the thing as he got out of bed.

"Where did you find that?" he asked, his voice hoarse with sleep. He rested his head in the crook of her neck and she gave a happy sigh, putting down her phone and hugging him back with her arms.

"It was on your dresser. I didn't want to walk around naked, so I put it on. I can change if you want?"

He shook his head, nibbling her neck playfully before walking away and going to his refrigerator. "No, keep that. Hell, I want you to wear it to work."

She rolled her eyes and shook her head, but her face was full of joy. "Yeah, okay. Do you have to go early?"

He nodded, taking a sip of his orange juice. "Yes, I was planning to leave in twenty. Are you coming?"

Her nose wrinkled in disgust at his action, but she didn't speak about it. He lived alone and bought his own orange juice; he could drink it however he wanted. Still, he didn't make it any less disgusting. "Yeah, I just have to find my shirt and put on my own clothes, then I should be ready to go. I can finish getting ready in the locker room."

Alex quickly put down his orange juice and walked towards the bathroom, pointing at her. "No shirt. I was serious when I said I want you to wear that to work!"

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