Chapter 17

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The six interns were in Chief Webber's office, lined in a row. The Chief watched them in silence, obviously waiting for one of them to admit to having cut the cable.

Eleanora stood between Alex and Cristina, not moving her eyes from one of the photo frames on the Chief's desk. She was calm and tense, until Izzie spoke.

"I cut the LVAD cable."

Eleanora didn't even flinch when Meredith, George, and an upset Cristina agreed. She could feel their eyes on her and felt her skin begin to tingle.

Did they really expect her to throw herself under the bus? Did Izzie almost kill Denny and risk all of her careers so she wouldn't have to do it alone?

Alex spoke for her instead, letting out a scoff. "We didn't do anything; we are completely innocent."

"Alex!" Meredith scolded, Izzie just huffed and rolled her eyes.

"I wasn't even here. He knows I wasn't here. And Eleanora already told Dr. Bailey that she was in the room because Izzie tricked her into staying there and that she was going to call the code if no one else did. "You think he doesn't know that? The guy has no mental problems!"

"That's not the point." George let out an angry laugh, turning to look at Alex. He let her eyes fall to Eleanora's face, his face falling. "It's about loyalty."

"And we made an agreement!" Cristina hissed; Alex snapped back.

Everyone started yelling at each other, Eleanora closed her eyes and let out a sigh. The Chief let them continue for a while and then interrupted them all. His voice was stern and angry, but Eleanora knew he really didn't want to be doing this.

"People! I know who did this. Therefore, you better come clean. I know."

George stepped forward a small. "With all due respect, sir, if you knew, we wouldn't be here."

"He has his suspicions, but he doesn't really know." Meredith intervened. George nodded at her, focusing back on the Chief, who was growing more frustrated with each passing moment.

"And you can't do anything to us without proof, sir."

Webber shot up, slamming his hands on his desk. Everyone took a small step back, Eleanora wincing and turning her head to rest on Alex's arm.

"Well, one of you compromised a patient's life! One of you stole an organ. One of you endangered the integrity of this hospital and UNOS. Now, tell me, and tell me right now!"

Everyone fell silent again, Izzie smiling softly to herself. The Chief raised an eyebrow and then sat down, nodding his head.

"Okay, okay. No surgeries."

This caused Eleanora's head to rise, her eyes widening slightly. She felt Alex stiffen and looked at the Chief with hurt eyes.

"S-sir?" Cristina stuttered, not believing what she was hearing.

"You heard what I said. No surgeries. No one scrubs, no one watches from the gallery, no one goes near the operating room floor! Until someone confesses, the six of you will share a single patient: Camille Travis. Whatever she wants, You six will provide it to her! Whatever she wants. Now, get out of my sight!"

"I will go back and I will tell him. I'll tell him it was me." Izzie argued, all the interns standing in the hallway.

Alex's arm was around Eleanora's waist, holding her securely against his side. They usually weren't very interested ​in showing affection, they only held hands from time to time and kissed. In particular, they were not as open where patients or their families could see.

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