Chapter 27

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"No I know." Eleanora sighs at Alex, standing next to him on a random nursing cart in the hallway outside the operating room. She fiddles with her ring, grimacing. "I feel like Cristina might burst. She's too...calm."

"I say we take that gift and hold on to it for dear life." Alex huffs, typing on the computer. Eleanora shoots him a look, but her nose twitches as a horrible smell reaches her nostrils.

Alex's nose does too, and the two companions look to see a frowning Jo Wilson walking past them. Alex huffs and speaks in a harsh tone.

"Wilson, you stink!"

"I got thrown up on." Jo sighs, looking at the attending with a disgusted look. He laughs a little, Eleanora blocks the front of her nose hoping the smell will go away. "It's vomit. I'm covering the ER and Santa Claus came to town."

"I don't need an excuse. Go get cleaned up." Alex complained. Eleanora and Jo send him a look, Eleanora narrowing her eyes at her friend as Jo begins to argue.

"That's what I'm doing-"

"Go away!"

Jo lets out a huff and stomps away, Eleanora smacking Alex on the arm once she's far enough away. Alex winced, sending a glance to Eleanora as he rubbed his now sore arm.

"What was that for?!"

"For being an asshole!"


Eleanora was standing next to the files at the nurses' station in the hallway, letting her fingers dance over the spines of them as she searched for one of her new patients. Eleanora half listened as Meredith spoke to her intern, Edwards.

"You were supposed to let me know when Brian Danziger's tests came in."

"Oh, I thought I should tell Dr. Karev." Eleanora raises an eyebrow and looks over her, Meredith's face is not amused. The charming smile slips from Edwards's face, eyes a little panicked. "I should have told you too. Uh, Brian Danziger's labs are back—"

"Get out of here." Meredith snapped. Edwards was quick to do so, Eleanora letting out a happy noise when she found the file she was looking for. She leaned on the desk and opened it.

"You should be nicer to the children."

"You should stop eavesdropping." Meredith replied sarcastically, opening her own file. The two friends look at each other when Cristina approaches them, watching as Edwards walks away from her in a hurry.

"Oh, it's not fair. You're the scariest one. It was always supposed to be me." Eleanora pouted a little and Cristina caressed her cheek before sitting down. "You are the most beautiful, Sunshine."

"You shouldn't have left." Meredith mocks, Eleanora smiles big.

"I'm the prettiest, Mer!"

"I will establish dominance." Cristina decided. She pursed her lips, thinking for a moment. "Maybe I'll use one of the classics."

"How was Owen?" Eleanora asked, looking at her. "Did you already have the sexual encounter in an on-call room? Because I bet Alex that it would take more than a day."

"You mean Chief Hunt?" Cristina scoffed, taking a sip of her coffee. "The husband formerly known as Owen is now just my employer. He gave me the orientation package."

The three women's attention is caught by Alex, who gave Meredith the lab results that Edwards didn't give her. Meredith sent him a heated look; Alex ignored her as he listened to her speak.

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