Chapter 6

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S7 EP8

"When there was no heart available, I opted to proceed with Roy Henley's lung transplant." Teddy speaks into the microphone at the front of the room. Eleanora leans back in her seat, resting her head on Meredith's shoulder as she closes her eyes.

They were at an M&M for Teddy and Cristina's ex-patient. The same Cristina who resigned last week and had refused to talk about anything other than her work.

"It's all in your head." April whispers to Jackson, but Eleanora and Meredith can still hear, since April wasn't very good at whispering. Jackson turned to her, his whisper level not improving.

"My name is not on the operating room board; I have checked the schedule. Nobody wants to work with me, because I'm not on anyone's service."

"It's an oversight, okay? Just... just ask."

"Do you know how many things I've messed up in the last month?" Jackson hissed. Meredith finally tired and leaned forward, taking Eleanora with her. The smaller woman let out a small moan, moving to lean back in her chair as she listened to her friends.

"Stop it! I'm serious. Just ask around, put yourself on someone's service, and get back to work." Meredith told Jackson with a stern tone. Eleanora nodded in agreement, tilting her head back.

Meredith slapped her legs to get her attention, and Eleanora looked up to see Alex in a messy suit trying to get in line. Eleanora let out a sigh and moved her legs up so he could pass, her nose wrinkling as he passed and sat on the other side of her.

"Alex, you stink." Eleanora told him, moving her hand to cover her nose, gagging a little. Alex grumbled, rubbing his forehead. Meredith also looked at him with slight disgust.

"You smell like you're sweating alcohol. Where have you been?" Jackson looked back at Meredith's face, huffing.

"I want the weekend you had."

"What happens in Vegas, you know?" Alex responded. Eleanora felt bile rise in her throat and she moved her hand in front of her mouth, practically crawling over Meredith.

"I'm going to vomit." She ran down the hallway and bolted out of the auditorium. All of her friends faced her and looked at her with raised eyebrows, then facing forward.

Meredith huffed, pushing Alex away. "You made her throw up. I didn't think that would happen again after you two broke up."

Jackson and April turned around at that; eyes wide. April was the one who spoke in a shaky voice. "Did you and Ella go out?"

"Intern year. I don't feel like talking about it." Alex told them, irritation on his face. Jackson smiled, nudging April.

"I bet Sloan doesn't either."

Meredith and April laughed at that, Alex shooting her a look before focusing on his friend next to him. "Hey, who's Stark? I'm supposed to be on Stark's service today."

"Oh, me too! He's Peds' new attending, since Robbins left." April tells him. Alex groans, sliding down into her seat.

"Shit. I can't handle a bunch of sick kids today. I can't do it."

April was quiet for a moment, biting the inside of her lip as she looked at Alex. "So, was it a bachelor party, or-"

"Shh, I think they're talking about Cristina." Meredith said to the redhead, who turned around. Jackson gave her a knowing look before refocusing forward.

"It became clear to Dr. Yang that they were going to need to change modality. The patient was placed on ECMO..."

Eleanora opened the auditorium door as quietly as she could, wincing as it closed behind her. She quickly returns to her row, but she chose to sit on the other side of Meredith instead of Alex.

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