Chapter 11

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"Get back" You're sucking up all my oxygen." Bailey snapped at Derek, who was pressed up to her shoulder as they looked at the computer screen.

Eleanora was on Bailey's other side, mirroring Derek's stance. She shook her head, reaching for the mouse. "We're just trying to see."

"It hasn't been uploaded yet, there's nothing to see. Now back up!" Bailey smacked Eleanora's hand, the younger resident letting out a pained sound as she cradled it against her chest with a pout.

"It was supposed to be posted at 4:00." Hahn complained. Mark looked at his watch, huffing.

"It's 4:15." He growled, Eleanora looking over her shoulder at him.

"Is your watch correct?" She asked, tilting her head. Mark looked at her with a confused expression, huffing.

"Yes, Nora, my watch is correct."

Cristina made an annoying noise, reaching around Eleanora to try to grab the mouse. "Press the refresh button, you need to refresh the-"

Bailey hit her hand as well, making her and Eleanora jump. "I'm hitting the refresh button every ten seconds, just... wait."

It was silent for a moment until Meredith approached the group, asking the question Bailey didn't want to hear. "Is it up?"

"No." Bailey grumbled. Eleanora laughs, moving a little to lean on Mark's legs. He was sitting on top of the desk and he moved a little so that she could lean on him comfortably.

Derek gave them a curious look, but soon focused on his girlfriend. "Hello." He smiled, obviously happy that they were back together. Meredith mirrored his glow, greeting him with the same excitement.

Cristina gave her an annoyed look, and caught Eleanora's attention. Eleanora raised an eyebrow in question, but Cristina just shook her head.

"Is it up?" Alex asked, pushing himself between Derek and Cristina. Bailey sounded even more upset, dismissing the resident.

"No, just wait!"

"I think we moved up one spot. We passed Hopkins and went up to number one." Mark states, leaning forward a little to take a closer look at the computer screen.

Eleanora shook her head, biting her nails. "No one is passing Hopkins this year; they've had an incredible year. So many new trials, techniques, procedures and two Harper Avery nominees."

"I agree with Ella, we are not going to pass Hopkins. We will stay at number two." Derek interjected, crossing his arms. Hahn shrugged and expressed her own opinion.

"Mayo could surge ahead, we could be number three."

Eleanora frowned and tilted her head as she thought about it. Derek raised an eyebrow, looking at Hahn with a smile. "Three? Pessimistic."

"Realistic." Hahn corrected. "The classification of university hospitals changes in many things."

Mark sat up straight, Eleanora leaning on his hand as she felt it slide up and down her back. She kept an eye on Alex, Hahn, and Derek to make sure they didn't notice, but the three of them were too busy staring at the screen.

"Three is still in the top five. I could live with three." Mark looked at Eleanora and she nodded.

"Three is a good number. Not too low. We could survive with three."

Alex huffed, impatient as always. He leaned forward, trying to reach Bailey. "Just hit the refresh button."

Bailey hit him. "Stay back, I'm doing this. What's with all of you trying to take control of the computer, huh? You know I'm going to hit you."

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