Chapter 29

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"I think," Eleanora said to Jackson, looking at him, "that you and April should work it out. Stephanie is nice, and pretty, and smart, but you and April are—"

"I guess I didn't really ask." Jackson interrupted, but there was a hint of amusement in his voice. The two head to the lobby for an announcement from Hunt.

"Well, anyway, I've told you, my opinion. I've been told I'm a meddler, but I use my meddling for good, Jackson. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it."

Jackson laughs, raising an eyebrow as Eleanora gives him a smile. The two settle down next to Cristina and Meredith while the other Attendings and Fellows arrive.

"You've been very nosey lately." Jackson tells Eleanora. Meredith snorts and Cristina shrugs, voicing her opinion boredly.

"It's probably the Sloan spawn in her belly. It means it's going to be like Mark."

"God help us." Meredith scoffed. Eleanora looked at her before looking at Cristina, shrugging her shoulders.

"For someone who doesn't seem to like Mark, you sure like the monsters he creates."

"It's because it's mixed with you." Cristina fights back, the group laughs a little while Owen leaves one of the offices

"Um...okay, friends. Let's get started." Owen heads to the stairs, the crowd quieting down to listen. Eleanora looks over at Derek and Callie and sees her husband leaning on the desk with an angry face. She smiles a little, shaking her head before looking back at the Chief of Surgery.

"As many of you know, Seattle Grace-Mercy West has suffered a financial setback. The administration is working hard to make the impact of that setback as small as possible. To do this, we are going to have to implement some cutback measures expenses. The Board has hired a medical consultant to help us."

Eleanora scratches her cheek as she lowers her gaze slightly, feeling a few pairs of eyes turn towards her and the others who won the lawsuit.

Meredith speaks from her seat next to Eleanora and Cristina, attracting a little more attention.

"What is a medical advisor?"

"Well, they are in charge of maximizing efficiency, streamlining processes, evaluating where we can cut our budgets."

"Who to fire and when to fire?" Bailey intervenes. Eleanora smiles a little and some laugh. Owen glances at the General Surgeon before clearing his throat and correcting her.

"She is here to advise and help. I was hoping to introduce you in person, but it seems she is late."

"On the first day?" Cristina asks, Eleanora looks at her when she hears the tone of her voice. "Thats not very efficient."

The group laughs, Eleanora rolls her eyes and playfully slaps Cristina's back.

"You can expect to see her in the hallways, in your labs, in the operating room."

"Operating room?" Eleanora asks, frowning. "Is she going to be in my operating room while I operate on a patient, evaluating me and my skills to see where you can make financial cuts? It seems like you're looking for someone to fire."

Owen goes to open his mouth but Derek speaks, following his friend and protégé. "So, we're going to have an accountant following us around the operating rooms?"

"I don't like accountants." Mark speaks, pursing his lips and shaking his head. "People who enjoy that kind of work terrify me."

"She's not an accountant, she's a surgeon in training." corrected Owen to Derek before looking at Eleanora. "And it's not to say who to fire. She's not going to fire anyone. Frankly, she's here to try to help us."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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