Leading a Double Life

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As a Reaper you didn't have to sleep, so you wandered aimlessly through Bobby's study, trying to keep yourself occupied while you had the night to yourself.

Bobby had excused himself hours ago, heading to his bedroom, saying he was tired, but you had a feeling he was more upset about Ellen and Jo's death than he was letting on. Dean had crashed on the couch about an hour ago, after drinking himself into an almost stupor, and Sam had offered you the guest room but you had declined. Telling you to make yourself at home, Sam had gone up, planning on getting a couple hours of sleep, a hunter's norm.

You had sat down quietly in a chair at first, mindlessly staring off into space, wondering what the next step would be for you. It really was wonderful actually getting to interact with Sam and Dean. You had always been fascinated by Sam from afar, but being around him was something completely different. He was sweet and kind, compassionate and intelligent, while being ruthless and deadly at the same time. It was a strange but compelling combination, one that greatly appealed to you as a Reaper.

After a while you were bored with sitting, and you started meandering around the room, running your fingers along the old books, loving the musty smell that permeated from them. It was during this time you felt the energy in the room change, and you knew you were no longer the only supernatural entity in the house.

"Hello Y/N." A voice said softly from behind you, and you turned, already knowing who had come to visit you.

"Death!" You exclaimed, rushing forward, forgetting your manners. He stared at you blankly, intrigued by your behavior, and you stopped, standing in front of him with your gaze pointing down. "I'm sorry sir. It's just been so long, and I've missed you so."

"I understand Y/N, that's why I came to visit you. I don't do visits often, but Tessa has been telling me how hard it's been for you." He said, his voice smooth and monotone.

"Sir, it's nothing I couldn't handle." You replied, feeling ashamed that your creator came to see you because you had been struggling.

"Is that why you have taken refuge with the Winchesters?" He asked, and your head shot up in surprise. He had been gone for so many years, yet he still knew who the Winchesters were?

"Sir, I can explain." You started, but he waved a hand, stopping you from trying to come up with an explanation.

"You don't need to explain. Out of all of my creations,  you have always been the one I've been most worried about. The one with the closest ties to humanity." He explained. "It doesn't surprise me that you would pick the Winchesters. They are meant to do great things."

"I don't know what to say sir." You answered him, tilting your head in confusion. You had no idea where he was going with this. You had just automatically assumed he would be angry that you weren't doing your job. That you were staying with humans, acting as one.

"I've decided that I want to keep you exactly where you are. Keeping an eye on the Winchesters. It could come in handy, them having their own personal Reaper. I've heard they have a hard time staying alive." He joked.

"I can do that sir." You said, and he nodded before tapping his cane against the ground.

"Oh, and Y/n, don't get too close. Remember what happened last time you tried to feel human emotions." He warned before vanishing.

Sinking down into the chair behind you, you took a deep breath, reeling from that unexpected conversation.

"Y/N? Everything okay?" You heard Dean grumble as he stumbled into the room, his hair sticking up everywhere.

Hoping Dean hadn't been privy to your conversation with Death, you gave him a reassuring smile. "I guess. Just can't sleep." You told him.

He came and stood next to you, his cheek red and lined from his pillow, yawning as he was still trying to wake up. "I understand that. Yesterday had to have been hard on you. Losing your family, seeing Lucifer in person."

"You could say that." You answered, not wanting to lie to Dean. While you had always felt more connected to Sam, Dean had always made you smile with some of his antics, and you would love to get  to know him better too.

"Listen, I don't know if you knew about this type of stuff before the whole Lucifer thing, but you can't let it eat you alive. Knowing there are monsters out there? It's hard to comprehend, but you just gotta do your best." He tried explaining to you, and you smiled sadly, knowing that you were one of those monsters he was describing.

"I had an inkling. I was never involved in hunting before, but I always knew it wasn't just humans on the planet." You answered, keeping as close to the truth as possible.

"Well if you stick with us, you will be pretty involved with hunting. Especially since we are smack dab in the middle of the damn apocalypse." Dean grumbled, his smile fading as he realized what was ahead of them.

"If you don't mind, I would like to stick around, at least until you get tired of me." You shyly replied.

Dean shrugged, "It's no problem with me. But I have to warn you. I see how Sammy has already taken a liking to you, and if you are playing games with us, or are not being truthful, there will be hell to pay. And I've been there, so I know exactly how they would make you pay." He threatened, and you gulped, your face turning pale.

He noticed, and realized he might have gone a little overboard. "If you can't tell, I'm a little over protective of my little brother. I just want to make sure he doesn't get hurt. He's had enough bad things happen to him so far in his life." He explained.

You nodded, knowing exactly what he meant. "I understand. And I don't want to hurt him either, but I just met the guy." You said, which wasn't totally a lie.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I'm gonna try to get a little more sleep before I have to deal with the end of the world again. Why don't you go crash on the couch, I'll go sleep in the Impala." He told you, not giving you a chance to argue, and you watched as he let himself out the house.

Crawling onto the couch, you sighed, closing your eyes, wondering what it felt like to sleep, and to be able to dream. If you could dream, it might be close to something like your life right now, getting to spend time with two interesting men, one of whom you could already feeling yourself getting emotionally attached too. Which is exactly what Death had warned you against.

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