New Day, New Heartache

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Struggling to open your eyes, you tried to figure out why they were closed in the first place. Your entire body felt heavy and disoriented, your brain fuzzy. These were feelings you hadn't had before, and they threw you off. 

You were laying in a bed, with the sheet wrapped tightly around you. But it wasn't the sheet that was throwing off so much heat, it was the naked body behind you, and the arm currently wrapped around your waist, holding you tight to him. It was then everything came back to you, how you and Sam had made love throughout the night, him showing you all the different ways you could come apart. It had been magical, nothing like you had ever experienced before, and you remember being exhausted and sweaty after the last bought. 

"You fell asleep. I thought you said Reaper's don't sleep." Sam's husky, sleep filled voice said from behind you, startling you. You tried to turn into him, but the sheet held you immobile. Chuckling, he pulled it from you, letting you settle back down on his chest before he let it gently float back down to cover you.

"I fell asleep? I've never slept in my life!" You exclaimed, understanding why you felt the way you did now. 

You watched as Sam smiled sleepily down at you, and you resisted the urge to brush the hair back from his face. "You did sleep. For about three hours. And you were adorable. You even snored a little."

"What?" You asked, embarrassed. You started to move, planning on getting up, and dressed, but his strong arms stayed wrapped around your middle, holding you tight to him. 

"It was cute. And it was the best sleep I've had in a while, so thank you." He said, brushing his knuckles along your cheek. 

Just then the wooden door rattled, someone banging hard on it. "If you guys are done trying to bring the roof down, some of us are doing research!" Dean yelled, before you heard his footsteps heading back down the stairs.

"I guess we have to get up." Sam muttered, but he made no movement to do so. You didn't either, you loved the feeling of Sam's strong body beneath you, and the feel of his hand rubbing up and down your bare shoulder. Seconds ticked by before Sam groaned, and let go of you, sliding out from underneath you. You sat up, holding the sheet to your front as you watched Sam gather his clothes, sliding them on. You enjoyed the way his muscles moved and flexed as he pulled on his jeans, and then his shirt. Once dressed he came back over to you, pressing a light kiss to your lips. "Hurry up and meet me down there."

You nodded, watching as he left the room, before standing up, groaning as muscles you never knew you had protested at the movement. Last night had been a physical and amazing night, and you would treasure it always, no matter what happened next. Slipping on your clothes, you pulled your hair back into a low ponytail, before making your way down the stairs. Dean and Bobby were both in the study still, each one with a stack of books beside them and identical looks of frustration. You walked past them, ignoring the wiggling eyebrow Dean raised in your direction as you headed into the kitchen. Sam was in there, pouring two cups of coffee. When he noticed you in the room, he handed you one before leaning back against the counter. "Dean give you any trouble?" 

"Why would he?" You asked confused, before taking a sip of your coffee. You jumped, almost spilling it when Dean came up behind you, slapping your shoulder. 

"Because you guys weren't quiet. At all. And I usually do tease Sam on his nocturnal activities. But truthfully? I'm just glad he was able to have one last normal night with you, before today." Dean said, and both you and Sam stared at him, with different reactions. Sam seemed pissed, his jaw clenching as he stared his brother down. You, on the other hand were confused, and more than a little scared to know what he meant. You knew what was coming up, but you hadn't expected it to come around so soon. 

"What happens today?" You asked carefully, your hand shaking, the hot coffee spilling over and on to your hand. But you didn't notice, you were too busy glancing back and forth between the two brothers, trying to read their expressions. 

"Dean, can you give us a minute." Sam all but growled, not pleased with his brother at all. Dean looked guilty, and left the room immediately. "Y/N, I'm sorry you had to hear it from him. But you knew it was going to happen. That I was going to say yes to Lucifer."

Feeling as if something was stuck in your throat, you tried clearing it, finally taking another sip of coffee to help. "I know. I just didn't realize it was happening so soon." He took a step closer to you, reaching out to wrap you in a hug. But you pulled back, not wanting him to try to distract you. "Why didn't you tell me it was happening so soon?"

He sighed, running his hands through his hair. "Because, I wanted a little bit of normalcy between us before it happened. Couldn't we just have one night, to ourselves, before I have to do this? I just wanted one night, with you, without you worrying about today. I'm sorry if that was selfish, but I needed it."

You could hear the emotion tainting his words, his voice breaking at the end, and you threw yourself into his arms, wanting to comfort him as much as you needed comfort yourself. "It wasn't selfish. Sam, I don't think there is a selfish bone in your entire body. I just wish I had more time to come to terms, that we had more time to spend together. Please, let me try to find a way to bring you back. Please." You begged, having to try one more time.

You felt his hands circle around you, one pressing tight to your lower back while the other cupped your head, holding you tight to him. "No, I can't. I can't go into the pit knowing you will risk your life to save me. Please. I want to know you will stay safe, while I'm down there. It's my one request. That and you keep an eye on my brother. He's going to have a hard time with this, and he will need someone to look out for him."

You nodded, not wanting to fight anymore. "So, how does today go down?"

He tilted his upper body back, looking down at you, wiping away a tear. "Let's go get Dean and Bobby. Cas should be here any minute too." He grasped your hand, pulling you along with him into the study where Bobby and Dean stood pretending that they hadn't listened in to your conversation.

Bobby gave you a sad, and somewhat wobbly smile, trying to make you feel better. You could see how much Sam's decision was affecting everyone. Each person was trying to act tough, but you could see in the set of their shoulders, or the way their jaws clenched that this was hard on each of you. 

As you stood there, your hand still in Sam's, you heard the fluttering of wings, and Cas appeared on the far side of the room. "My apologies for being late." He said, moving forward.

"It's alright Cas." Sam told him. "We were just getting ready to get down to business."

"Where do you think he is?" Bobby asked, holding up a handful of newspapers. "We've got Demon omens in Kansas, a plague starting in Texas, and a ten block cold spot in Detroit."

"Detroit." Dean answered, his voice sure and confident. Everyone looked at him in surprise.

"Detroit? You sure? The cold spot doesn't seem as much of a clue as the rest." Bobby argued, but Dean nodded his head, his mouth in a grim line.

"It's Detroit. Devil always said things would end in Detroit." He argued.

"I could go there, and check to make sure." You offered, wanting to be of service, someway, anyway. Sam grasped your hand tighter, pulling you closer to him.

"No way. I don't want to let you out of my sight yet." He said, and you knew you couldn't resist him.

"Okay, Devil's in Detroit, let's get this show on the road." Bobby agreed, and the five of you filed out of Bobby's house, Team Free Will ready to battle for the good of the world.

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