The Tablet

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 "A reaper cannot be pregnant." He answered. "It's unheard of, and that child is going to be a monster!"

With those parting words, he vanished, leaving you clinging to Sam, his words echoing in your ears.

"Sam, do you think?" You started to ask, your face pale, your hands shaking. You hadn't expected that reaction from Cas. Not at all, and it had shaken you to your car. Sure, you knew that as a Reaper your child would not be normal, but you hadn't expected it to be named a Monster before it had even been brought into this world.

Placing your shaking hand over your slight bump, you moved over to the small, twin bed, sinking down. Tears filled your eyes, anxiety rushing through your body, sending horrible thoughts running through your mind. What if your baby grew up to be evil? Or was so twisted when it was born it didn't even survive? Or if Death took it from you, molding it into the perfect monster?

"Y/N, don't." Sam pleaded with you, crouching down in front of you. "Do not let his words poison your mind. This child growing inside of you will not be a monster. You are good, and kind, and we will make sure it knows nothing but love from the moment it is born."

Looking up at him, you could see how hard he was trying to believe his own words. How he had been stricken by Cas' words as well. But he was trying to stay brave, and strong for you. "We will make sure that Cas' words never come true." You said, saying them out loud to comfort you as much as to comfort him.

"Hey guys, I know this was a tough moment for you guys, but I need to go find Cas. We need to get out of here." Dean threw over his shoulder, leaving the room behind. Meg stood by the door, glancing between you and the hallway, trying to make up her mind.

Sighing, she came over, standing in front of you and Sam, her arms crossed over her chest. "Listen, I know what Cas said was hard to hear. But you should have realized all along that this child will not be human. A Reaper and a human? I don't think it's ever been done. I've never heard of a baby Reaper, and there has to be consequences."

"You're not making this better." Dean grumbled, standing up and towering over her.

"What did you expect? Me to throw a rainbow over your head and deny the Angel's words?" She scoffed. "I'm a Demon. But what I am trying to say is that just because your baby will be unusual and rare, doesn't mean that it's going to become a monster. Especially with you two as parents."

With those parting words, she turned and left, leaving you sitting there with Sam standing above you. "Sam, I think we should head down..." You started to say when a flash of lightning and thunder shook the entire building. It was hard enough that Sam almost fell onto the bed with you, completely lighting the darkened room for a couple of seconds.

"Well, that didn't seem ominous." You muttered, before turning to Sam. Wonder what that was all about.

"Sam, Y/N!" Dean yelled, racing into the room, a strange looking piece of stone in his hands. "Did you feel that?"

"Yeah, but why are you so..." Sam started to ask him when you doubled over in pain. Holding tight to your belly, you groaned, the pain tearing through you. "Y/N!"

"It's the tablet." Cas explained simply. "It's creating a change in the world, and Y/N's pregnancy is detecting that. If she's not careful, she could go into early labor, losing her baby. Which might be the best for everyone."

"Cas, you're not helping!" Sam yelled at his friend, kneeling down next to you, trying to calm you down. With fear of losing your baby running through your mind, you tried to fight the pain.

Seconds ticked by, and slowly it began to ebb away. Weakened and tired, you took deep, steadying breaths, relieved when the pain finally stopped. "Why did that tablet do that?" You asked. Truthfully, you had forgotten all about the pile of clay. Sam and Dean had taken it from the Leviathan while you had stayed at the cabin, away from people who might want your baby for nefarious purposes.

"Because it's the Leviathan tablet which hasn't been opened on Earth for thousands of years. It woke things up, including the prophet who is the only one who can read it." Cas explained, before striding forward and bopping you on the nose.

"So, you can't?" Dean asked him, and Cas shook his head.

"Of course not. I just know this is the Leviathan tablet, one written by Metatron himself." Cas muttered.

"The transformer?" Dean blurted out, earning a blank stare from both you and Cas.

"No, he was the scribe of God." Cas grumbled.

"So, what do we do know? This tablet could tell us how to end the Leviathan, and we don't know how to read it!" Dean bellowed.

"Y/N, could you read it?" Sam asked you, and Cas handed over the tablet.

"I've never heard of a Reaper even touching the tablet, let alone being able to read from it." Cas marveled as you stared down at the huge hunk of stone in your hands. The words were written in one of the oldest languages out there, a language you had come across a time or two.

"I can make out a couple of words." You surprised them. "Like Leviathan, and prophet. But not much more, I'm sorry."

"It was worth a shot." Sam told you, as you handed the tablet back. It had been weird, holding it in your hand. A heavy weight, almost crippling as you held something that ancient and powerful.

"So, now we try to find that prophet." Dean fumed, his arms crossed over his chest. "That's like finding a needle in a haystack.

Just then, the door to Cas' room opened, and the three of you turned to watch as Meg dragged a young Asian Man into the room, who looked scared and extremely out of his comfort zone. 

Don't Fear the ReaperOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora