Fighting For a Chance

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"But why?" You whispered, while feeling a new sensation around your eyes. It was a slight burning sensation, followed by your eyes becoming unfocused. Reaching up, you felt wetness on your lower eyelashes. You were crying. You had forgotten what crying was like. The last time you had cried was during your time at the castle, and it had not been comfortable. You had promised yourself you would never cry again, but yet, here you were.

"This apocalypse is killing people left and right. I have as many Reapers working on it as I can, but if things get worse, I might need you too." Death told you.

"Isn't it more important that I stay with the Winchesters? So they can stop the apocalypse?" You almost begged, the most emotion you had shown around your Creator. He always wanted his Reapers calm and reserved. It worked well for the business, and he expected it in his meetings too.

"Yes, it is important. But so is harvesting all the souls, and we are being stretched thin. For right now, you will stay with the Winchesters, but just a warning. Next time I call you, it will be to put you to work." He told you, dismissing you from his side.

As you turned to leave, he stopped you one more time. "I warned you. Don't get close to the Winchesters. When we get close to humans, it only leads to pain, which is against a Reaper's very being. If I sense you have become too attached, I might be forced to pull you away."

You nodded, before you let yourself be sucked back to your body. Gasping for breath, you attempted to sit up, but you were weak from your travels. You felt an arm slide around your shoulders, helping you into a sitting position.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Sam asked, handing you a glass of water.

You nodded, the movement bringing an aching pain to your head. It seemed like the longer you were around humans, the more you began to act and feel like them. "It's always hard coming back from something like that. How long was I gone?"

Sam took it upon himself to sit down next to you, and you scooted closer, his warmth easing the aches that had settled into your bones. He must have noticed, because he leaned back against the headboard and pulled you to him, letting you settle into his chest. Feeling warm and comforted, you sighed, wanting to close your eyes and sleep, if it had been possible. "You were out for a couple of hours. I was starting to worry."

"It is always hard to travel like that." You answered him. "Thank you for this Sam. It's been a long time since anyone has been close to me."

"Really? Are you like an Angel or a Demon, and this is your vessel?" He asked, before the second part sunk in. "Seriously? When was the last time you had a relationship with someone? Do Reaper's even have relationships?"

You were starting to get your strength back, but you didn't want to move just yet, you loved being this close to Sam, feeling his heart beat underneath your ear. "That's not really how Reapers work. This is my vessel, I guess, but I've always had this one, ever since I can remember. Like I was born with it, if we are even born. Being a Reaper is confusing. One minute you're not, and then you are. As for relationships, we aren't supposed to have them. We aren't supposed to feel anything, it's part of the job. But I had a relationship once."

Sam stayed quiet while you talked, his arm slowly moving until it was laying across yours, running his fingers up and down your arm. "We don't know a lot about Reapers, not even Bobby does, and he knows everything. What happened to your relationship?"

You shifted in his arms, so you could focus on his eyes, such marvelous eyes that seemed to change color daily. They were shades of blues and greens, with specks of sunlight breaking them up. In all your time on earth you had never encountered eyes such as his, but maybe it was because of all the life, and goodness that shown through. "It was a long time ago. I grew close to people in a castle, even closer to one of the men in the garrison." You started.

"A castle?" He interrupted.

"Yes, a castle. I told you this was a long time ago. Towards the end of the Medieval Ages. I was still young, and somewhat naive for a Reaper, and I wanted to experience human life. Death was free back then, and he loved to indulge me, so he granted me freedom from duties. I lived in the castle, did human chores, and learned human emotions. But then, the plague came." You shuddered at the memory. You would think that will all the years between then and now it wouldn't bug you anymore, but it still did.

"You don't have to continue if you don't want to." Sam told you, his hand squeezing your shoulder comfortingly. 

"It's alright. It feels kind of good to talk about it." You answered, taking a deep breath. "Everyone around me started dying, even my lover. But when I didn't come down with anything, even though I had been in close contact, they began to scorn me, calling me a witch. If it wasn't for Death pulling me back, they probably would have tried to burn me at the stake."

"And that was your last relationship?" He asked, and you nodded.

"It hurt too bad. I had opened myself up to things I had never felt before, and it made me feel pain, and heartbreak for the first time, and I promised myself I would never feel that again. So I did my job, or stayed away. That is, until you." You admitted.

"Me?" He asked, dumbfounded.

You decided to be truthful. "Sam, I need to tell you something. Please don't be mad."

He nodded, his face serious. "Sam, I've known who you were for about five years now. Word about you traveled  through the Reapers, and I had to see the brothers who kept defying Death. I've kept track of you ever since."

He was silent for a moment, and you started to sit up, away from him, knowing he was probably upset, but his grip on your arm tightened, not letting you go anywhere. "So why show yourself now? Is it because Death is back, and he ordered you to?"

You shook your head. "No, it was because you needed my help. I was there, for two reasons. One, because you were, but also because as a Reaper I was being pulled. But I broke that, to help you. Sam, you're the first human that I've wanted to know, to get closer to, in hundreds of years. Please don't be mad."

He took a deep breath. "If I find out, you are double crossing us, then I..." He started, and you knew he had been hurt by a Monster before, and he didn't want that to happen again.

"I promise I won't. And anyways, Death wants me to keep an eye out for you two. He wants to make sure you make it to the end. So what better way than to have a personal Reaper looking out for your safety?" You told him, hoping he would see the benefit of your situation.

"I'm confused. Are you here because you want to be, or because Death ordered you?"

"Mainly because I want to be. Death ordering it was just icing on the cake." You answered, watching Sam smile at your words, before he leaned down, his soft lips inching their way closer to you. You could only stare as they moved ever so slowly towards you, before finally making their target. You sat there, wondering what you should do, not having much experience in this matter. Sam took his arm that was wrapped around you, pulling you up and tighter to him, so your chest was pressed against his hard and unyielding one, his other hand wrapping around your neck, angling your head so he could move the kiss deeper. You moaned at the sensation of him running his tongue across your lips, before he nibbled on your lower one. You brought your hands up, running them through his silky hair, feeling his moan against your lips, and you wanted to climb into his lap, getting as close to him as possible, but a knock on the door had Sam pulling away.

"Hey Sam, how's Y/N doing?" Bobby asked. "Dean needs to talk to you."

"This isn't over." Sam whispered into your ear, nibbling on your earlobe before disentangling himself and moving towards the door.

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