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"Really? You want to stop in Chicago for pizza? But isn't that like four hours away?" You asked Death as you followed behind him. While you might be helping him, no one walked at Death's side, always behind. It had been a week of being his right hand helper, and it was making you realize that following people's orders day after day was not your strong suit. Death might have a soft spot for you, and made it easier on you, but he was still Death and he ruled with an iron fist.

"Yes Y/N. We are stopping for pizza in Chicago. I've heard their deep dish is beyond amazing. Besides that, Lucifer has ordered me to Chicago." He said, as he climbed back into his gleaming white Cadillac, leaving you no choice but to climb in or be left behind. There was no doubt he would leave you behind, and then you would get a talking to when you finally met back up with him.

"Lucifer again? Why do you have to follow his orders?" You asked before realizing you might be pushing your boundaries just a little too far.

The look he gave you before settling back on the road had you sliding down in your seat, your voice suddenly gone. "Because he was the one who raised me, was strong enough to raise me. But by doing so, I am in his debt."

You knew that was the end of the conversation, so you stayed quiet, not asking any more questions. As he drove closer to Chicago, you pulled your phone out, checking for any messages from Sam. While over a week had gone by since you had seen him, he was still constantly in your mind. When you closed your eyes, visions of his ever changing hazel eyes, or his dimples when he smiled at your, or even the way a lock of his hair fell into his face flashed before your eyes. You missed him terribly, probably more than he missed you, and you couldn't wait for the day that Death let you leave his side.

Frowning when you didn't see any new messages, you tucked your phone back in your pocket. So far, doing the time you had been apart, he had only texted you three times, each one short and too the point. The first one asking if you were coming back, even if it was invisible. The second was a reply to your answer, just an "I see, keep safe." The third one had come two days ago, nothing personal. Just we have Pestilence's ring. That was it. Nothing personal, or how are you, I miss you. And it hurt, probably more than it should have considering you weren't supposed to have feelings. 

"Have you heard from the Winchester's lately?" Death spoke, breaking the silence and surprising you. You glimpsed the sky scrapers in the distance, knowing you had arrived at your destination.

"Not for a couple of days. They have Pestilence's ring." You admitted. Even though Sam would probably be upset you told Death, you figured he had a right to know. Especially since his ring was the only one left for them to gather. In fact, you were actually surprised they, at least Sam, hadn't contacted you yet. They knew you were with Death. You figured they would use that knowledge to their advantage.

"I know. They only need one more, mine." He replied, playing with the ring that was currently on his hand.

"Are you going to give it to them?" You asked curiously.

Death didn't answer, but pulled to the side of the street. "Maybe." He finally said as you followed behind him.

He strode with a confidence most humans couldn't recognize or imitate, his cane swinging by his side. One man had the gall to run into Death, and you winced, knowing his life was done for.

"Y/N, reap that man then come find me at the pizza parlor. Don't delay." Death said as he kept on walking.

You waited patiently invisible as the man who had ran into Death suffered a heart attack, falling to the ground. Sighing, you reached down, touching the man on the shoulder.

While his body lay there motionless, you turned to talk to his spirit, or soul, that was looking down in disbelief. "Why? What..." He stuttered in disbelief.

"I'm sorry, but when you mess with Death this is what happens. You touched Death. Now it's time for you to move on." You told him, but he just cocked his head and stared at you.

"What do you mean I touched Death? I'm healthy and young, I shouldn't be dead yet!" He exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, but the man you ran into back there. He was Death and when you run into Death you die. Now, are you ready to move on?" You asked, being a little more impatient than you normally would be. Usually when you were called to reap you tried to make the going easy for whoever.

"No, I can't. I haven't done anything with my life." He cried, making you feel bad for him.

Sighing, you placed a hand on his shoulder. "It sucks, it really does. But you have two choices now. Either I can help you move on, to the afterlife, or you remain here, as a spirit forever. And most spirits go mad, attacking people."

"I'll move on." He muttered, looking down at his body one last time. You gave him his moment before pressing your hand on his shoulder. Closing your eyes, you imagined the void, where most souls go until they are sorted out. Channeling his energy, you pushed him through before shutting the portal.

"There, that's done." You muttered to yourself, slapping your hands together as if you were cleaning them off.

Facing the direction Death had sauntered off in, you stayed invisible, enjoying the chance to observe but be seen.

The wind was really starting to pick up, howling with a ferociousness you hadn't seen in a while. You looked up, cringing at the dark, swirling clouds overhead. A dark and heady storm was moving in, and fast. And you had a feeling it wasn't being brought on by Mother Nature.

Because of the wind, it took you a little bit longer to reach the pizza parlor, and by the time you did, there were dead bodies strewn everywhere. Still in your Reaper mode, you noticed the souls standing by their bodies, each with a look of confusion and sadness etched into their faces.

Death was sitting in the middle of the room, a plate of pizza in front of him. "Well, don't just stand there Y/N, I've made quite the job for you." He said.

Frustrated, you waved your arms, making all the souls come your way. "Hey guys, listen up." You said loudly. "That man up there is Death. And I'm sorry to say it, but you are all dead now. Now if you will all get in a line, I will help you move on. And no, you can't argue your way out of this. If you stay, you become a spirit, or ghost. If you go, you might be able to reconnect with family or friends." You said, wanting to get it over with. 

They all lined up, some whispering to the others, but you didn't care. Using all of their energy, you opened the void, sending one through at a time. It was hard work, exhausting physically and emotionally, especially when you had to send in the mom and her little baby. You gave them a comforting smile, hating your job at times like these. Soon you were on the last person, a sullen sixteen year old boy. "So, you're a Reaper?"

You nodded, not even having the strength to speak. "I didn't know Reapers could be hot. I thought they all wore hooded cloaks and carried scythes."

"Well you thought wrong." You finally managed to mutter, before sending him off and closing the portal. Feeling light headed, you tried to make it to the nearest chair, your invisibility failing you. You felt yourself falling, and you just hoped you wouldn't hit the edge of a table or chair when you landed. What you did feel was a pair of arms wrap around you, catching you in your descent. You landed with a plop in someone's lap, and when you looked up, you looked into a pair of familiar green eyes.

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