Unwanted Help

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This ride in the Impala was nothing like your normal, everyday rides. Dean was in his usual spot, with you in Sam's passenger seat. Cas was sitting in the back, like he sometimes did, staring out the window as the scenery passed by. But it was awkward, and weird. The Cas you knew had always been awkward, but it was even more so when he didn't remember you or Dean, or even the fact that he was an Angel.

"So, your brother. The one I'm going to try to heal. What is wrong with him again?" He asked, and you glanced at Dean, wondering how truthful he was going to be.

With a sigh, Dean's gaze meet yours for a moment. "Someone, with false hopes, messed with his brain. Now, he can't sleep. If he doesn't get help soon, he's going to die."

"And you think I can heal this?" He asked, and you shrugged. 

"We don't know, but your our last hope." You whispered, just as Dean pulled over next to a gas station.

"I need to check on something. Stay here." He ordered both you and Cas, and you raised your eyebrow at him, hating that he was ordering you around.  "Y/N please. Keep an eye on him." Dean whispered, and with a sigh you leaned back in the seat.

"Fine. But you're bringing me back a snack." You insisted, and he nodded as he walked away.

As soon as he was gone, Cas was leaning over the seat. "So, you and Dean. Are you...?" He started asking, and you shook your head emphatically.

"Nope. Dean and I are friends. I'm in a relationship with Sam." You explained, and he nodded.

"Oh, I see. That's why you're so invested in getting Sam back to normal. And me? Did you know me before I became this version?"

Nodding, you kept your gaze on the convenience store, swearing you could hear the sounds of a tussle. "What was I like? Did I do good then too?"

"You did good. But truthfully? You were awkward, and weird, and we didn't spend much time together." You told him, your eyes widening when you saw Dean walking out of the store with someone in tow. He didn't seem very happy about his new companion, and you could understand why.  It was a Demon, one that you had heard stories about, but had never actually met her before. It was Meg, the Demon who had caused them so much trouble when you had first started getting interested in the lives of Sam and Dean Winchester.

"Son of a bitch." You whispered, using Dean's trademark curse as you saw the frown on his face, the set of his shoulders. 

Striding towards the car, Dean stopped by your window, leaning down. "I see you picked up a friend." You said, nodding towards Meg who stood back a little ways, her hands in her pockets.

"I wouldn't say friend." He answered gruffly. "She heard about Emmanuel, and wanted to see him for herself. Wouldn't take no for an answer, but she knows what's going on."

"So, she's coming with?" You asked, and he nodded curtly. 

"Unless she annoys me. Then she's tossed out of the car." He warned over his shoulder, and she tossed her hair back, smiling at him.

"Love you too Deano." She sassed back. With a groan, he walked around the car, climbing into the driver's seat, banging his head on the steering wheel.

"Kill me now." He muttered, and you patted him on the back.

"Nope. I don't want to be Reaping you." You told him, just as she climbed into the back seat, a huge gloating smile on her face.

"Hey, I don't think I've met you yet. The Winchesters finally pick up another hunter?" She asked, poking you in the shoulder. Turning to glare at her, you were proud when your glare had her sitting back in her seat. "You aren't human. Wait, Sam and Dean have their own personal Reaper? Wow!" 

"You're a Reaper?" Cas asked you, more interested than freaked out.

"Yep. We've got a Demon, a Reaper, a hunter and a..." She started, but Dean's glare had her stopping what she was going to say. "And a healer." She finished off lamely.

"I always knew there were Supernatural beings. I just never imagined being around them." Cas whispered, and you couldn't help but shake your head at the irony of it all. 

Mumbling under his breath, Dean turned on the Impala, pulling away from the convenience store. It was at least an hours ride to the hospital Sam was at, and you knew it would seem much longer with the company in the car.

By the time you finally made it to the hospital, you were ready to bang your head against the window, hoping to knock yourself out. The ride had been full of nothing but tension, Meg doing nothing to help. She had worked hard to confuse Cas, hinting at the past without actually giving anything away. Dean had continually looked like he wanted to kill her, and Cas just became more and more confused. You tried your best to keep the situation as calm as possible, even thought it was hard.

As soon as Dean pulled the Impala to a stop at the top of the hill overlooking the hospital, he was stepping outside. Taking a big breath of the fresh air, he placed his hands on the trunk of the car, trying to calm down from the car ride. Stepping out of the car, you made sure Meg wasn't giving anything away to Cas before walking back to Dean. "So, we have Cas. But do we have a plan?"

"Hey, I hate to interrupt your two little lover's talk, but did you know there are Demons crawling all over the place, right?" Meg asked, standing next to you. "At least five of them, maybe more. What's so important in there that they are guarding it. Wait. Is it Sam, because he's not with you? I heard that he wasn't doing well."

"Will you just shut up!" Dean finally lost it. "We have Cas, but he's not his normal self. We have Demon's down there, and who knows how Sam is faring. I don't need your sarcasm along with it!"

Opening the trunk, he began going through his items, when Cas reached in and grabbed a folded up bundle of clothes. "What is this?"

Sighing, you took over for Dean. "Cas, it's yours. It's what you used to wear, before you were taken from us."

Rubbing his finger over the blood, he glanced up at you, confusion in his eyes. "What are you guys not telling me?"

"You're an Angel. Not the tree topper kind, but the actual winged type. You just need to remember." Meg said, ignoring the death glare Dean sent her way. 

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