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"So what's the story?" You asked Sam, trying to maintain a business like approach to this hunt. But at the same time, you couldn't help but hurt while looking at the man who meant so much to you.

"I'm pretty sure it's Vampires. According to the police reports the missing girls were last seen at this gothic club, with pale men." Sam said, looking at his computer, not even noticing the wistful look you were sending his way.

With a gentle pat on your back, Dean came around, handing you a beer before sitting down next to you at the table. Giving him a relieved smile, you turned back to Sam. "So, we're going to this club then?"

"Yeah. Why don't you see if you can wear something like those girls would wear. Maybe we can lure the vamp to us." He said, shutting his laptop.

"Woah, as much as I want to catch these vamps too, I'm not sure that's the greatest idea." Dean argued. "Y/N's still recovering from her incident with the Djinn."

Sam turned on his brother with a frown, acting so much different than the Sam you had known. He was careless, almost cruel, and it scared you. "It's not like I'm asking her to take out the whole nest by herself. We will be there, so nothing will happen. She just has to try and attract them."

"I still don't like it." Dean said, frowning.

"It's alright, I'll do it." You said softly. "If it will help stop those vamps I don't mind."

"Good. Now go change so we can go." Sam said, before heading out the door. Grabbing your bag, you walked past Dean, who still wasn't happy but was staying quiet for the moment. Tossing your bag on the chipped and peeling vanity, you began rummaging through it, looking for something that might work. Taking out a black tank top, along with your black skinny jeans, you dressed in them, leaving your hair down. Adjusting your make up so it was a little darker, you felt as ready as you would ever be. Sighing, you went back out into the now empty room. Pulling out your small, just in case purse, you stuffed some dead man's blood, along with a knife in it, wanting some sort of protection. Shutting the door behind you, you noticed Sam already in the Impala, while Dean was sitting behind the steering wheel.

"Ready?" He asked you, and you nodded. "You know, if you don't want to do this, you don't have to. We can find another way."

"No, it will be the easiest." You replied, and he pulled the Impala out of the parking lot, pointing it towards the main part of town. It was a silent ride. Dean kept sending worried glances Sam's way, and you sat huddled in the back seat, feeling more than a little unsettled. Staring out the window, you watched as the buildings and houses grew closer and closer together, before Dean was finally pulling over in a somewhat shady part of town. As you stepped out of the car, you wrapped your arms around your middle, the cool night air making you shiver in your light tank top. 

A neon sign sat on top of a rusty door, showcasing a pair of fangs with blood dripping. "Well, that's a little obvious." You said, as you made your way towards it.

"It's not run by vamps. I already looked into it. It just caters to those who have fantasies about the stupid bloodsuckers. All thanks to that one story." Sam said.

It was decided you would walk in first, then they would follow a couple minutes later. You would act as if you were by yourself, hoping a vamp would take the trap. As soon as the door was opened for you, you wanted to cough. There was a dry, musty smell, full of smoke and alcohol. The room was darkened, with sconce lights upon the walls, and red velvet booths lining the walls. A cherry wood antique bar was on one side, full of people, some way too young to be inhabiting such a place. You considered your options. You could sit at a booth, but your visibility wouldn't be the greatest. But sitting at the bar might seem like your too desperate.

Finally deciding on the bar, you ordered a fancy cocktail, sipping at it while you casually observed the people around you. You noticed Sam and Dean enter the establishment, sitting at a booth a little ways from you. A couple of women sat off to the side. Or, more like girls to be honest. They seemed nervous and unsure, their gaze constantly behind them, as if they were searching for someone. 

The only men you could see didn't seem like the type of douche vampires to lure girls to their death, but you hadn't really dealt with vampires much yet. It would have just been so much easier if your Reaper powers had been back. Then you could have sensed the vampire, and that would have been that.

"Hey pretty lady." A smooth but young voice said next to your ear, too close for comfort. Trying to resist the urge to turn around and deck the new person, you smiled.

"Hey yourself." You answered, as a young, lanky man slid onto the stool next to you.

"Nice drink." He said, licking his lip as he stared at you. "How about I get you a new one?"

You nodded, and he raised his hand, holding up one finger. "How about you? Aren't you going to drink?" You asked him, watching him carefully for any signs.

"No, alcohol is not my drink of choice." He answered mysteriously as your new drink was delivered.

Trying to play along, you took a sip before looking at him over the edge of the glass. "Oh? And what is your drink of choice?"

He leaned forward, making a good show of glancing around. "I don't think I want to tell you. It might distress you." He said.

"I'm a big girl. I think I can handle it." You said, and he slid closer, his lips whispering over your ear. 

"Blood." He said softly. "I prefer to drink blood. Especially the sweet, succulent blood that I can smell in your veins. Bet you didn't know vampires were real, did you?"

"I had an inkling." You said. "Does it hurt?" You asked, wracking your brain on how to keep his interest. This man, or vamp, did nothing for you, and you couldn't wait to draw him away.

"No, I've heard it's quite, pleasant." He said, staring at your neck. "Women have begged for it, for the pleasure."

"What do I have to do?" You asked, placing your hand on his forearm, squeezing gently.

"I don't usually do this. But there's something about you. Come with me, and I can show you things you've only imagined." He said, holding his hand out. Taking it, you slid off of your stool, glancing to where Sam and Dean were both watching you. Instead of the jealousy you had hoped to see in Sam's eyes, you only saw minor curiosity. And it made you frustrated as the vampire guided you out of the door, and you could only hope that Sam cared enough to follow through with the plan. And at least Dean was there to back you up if he didn't follow through.

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