Something's Off

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The eyes seemed the same. A dark green ring on the outside, with  gold, blue and green colors swirled throughout, creating a brilliant hazel that you had never seen before. Eyes that usually showed so much emotion, so much caring for the world he was always trying to save. Eyes that shined with love for you before he went to battle Lucifer. There was an old saying that eye's were windows to the soul and Sam was the perfect specimen for that. 

But these eyes that stared down at you seemed a little different than normal. They still had their beautiful coloring, made a little darker by the bad lighting in the room. And maybe it was a trick of the light. But his eyes seemed to have lost that spark that made them so special.

"Y/N, how are you feeling girl?" Bobby asked you as  Dean helped you to sit up. You took stock of your body, just feeling tired and drained, something you were slowly getting used to without your powers.

"I'll survive." You insisted, and both Dean and Bobby helped you stand up, Dean keeping his arm around your waist to stabilize you. 

"Good. Now let's get the hell out of here. Place like this, gives me the heebie jeebies." Bobby said, and without a word, Sam turned and started to lead the way out. Bobby fell behind, leaving Dean to help guide you out. 

You felt hurt at the fact that Sam hadn't said hardly a word to you. Maybe he was mad that you got yourself in this predicament. Or he was waiting until you were alone to pull you into his arms. "Dean, how is this even possible?" You asked as Sam pulled farther ahead.

"Let's get out of here. Then I'll explain everything." Dean said, but you could sense an edge to his words. Leaving it alone, you let him guide you outside, into the blinding sun. Your car sat where you had left it, with two other cars behind. One was the familiar Impala, while a newer Dodge was beside it.

"Who's car is that?" You asked. 

"Sam's." Was all Dean replied. You moved to slide in the driver's seat of your car, but Bobby placed a hand, stopping you.

"Maybe you can let an old man drive?" He offered, and you gratefully accepted, knowing you were in no position to be behind the wheel. Sliding into the passenger seat, you watched as Sam peeled out of the graveled lot, Dean close behind.

"Bobby, what's going on? How long was I out?" You asked as you leaned your head back against the seat, closing your eyes.

"Maybe a couple days total. When you didn't check in, I did some digging around, and grew concerned. Then Sam and Dean came onto the hunt, and called me in." He explained.

"But, Sam's back! How did that happen?" You asked.

"Not sure I should be the one doing the explaining. It's complicated." Was all Bobby would say on the short drive to the hotel. You let it go, but as you sat there, your eyes closed, you wonder what had happened to Sam, and if his time in Hell had changed his attitude towards you.

After pulling up in front of your room, you took your key, unlocking the door, but leaving it open for the rest to pile in. Grabbing a change of clothes, you hurried into the bathroom, changing out of your musty and dirty clothes, leaving them in a pile on the floor. Stepping into the scalding hot water, you let it soothe your aching shoulders. 

Feeling much like yourself, you slipped into a pair of simple leggings, along with a oversized flannel shirt, tossing your hair up into a messy bun. Opening the bathroom door, you stepped out, seeing Bobby at the table, and Dean lounging on the couch. But Sam was nowhere in sight. 

Dean noticed your looking around. "He's not here. He had things to do." He muttered, not sounding too happy with his brother either. "But maybe it's better that way. Sit down, and Bobby and I will try to explain things."

Nodding, you sat down next to Dean, taking the soda can and crackers from him. Your stomach started growling at the thought of food, and you took a bite. "So, how long has he been back?" You asked, your mouth full of crackers.

"He said he's been back for a long time. Like a day after Stull Cemetery went down." Dean said. 

"But why didn't he say anything to me? Or Bobby?" You asked, feeling a little hurt at being left out.

Dean sighed, rubbing his hand along his mouth, a sure sign of being frustrated. "He didn't even let me know. Not until a couple of weeks ago."

You sighed. The Sam you knew and loved would have never pulled something like that. Being in hell, for even that short period of time must have really changed him. "I'm sorry Dean. That must have really hurt, because you would have done anything to save him."

Dean gave you a weak smile. "It did rub me the wrong way. He showed up at mine and Lisa's place to stop these Monsters."

"So, you and Lisa?" You asked Dean, finishing off your crackers.

"It's complicated. We're still together, but with me hunting, it's really straining things." He admitted.

"So, he's been back, all this time. And he didn't let anyone know, until recently. But at least he's back, right?" You said, wondering if things would ever be the same between the two of you.

"Yeah, he's back. But Y/N, he seems off. I know Hell can do that to a person, but just be careful around him, okay?" Dean warned you, and you nodded.

"It's nice having the gang back." You said as you stood up, fishing a dollar out of your pocket, needing another soda to fight off the headache you felt forming. "Listen, I'm going to hit the vending machine."

Heading outside into the dusk, you stared up into the sunset for a while, enjoying the small things now that you were more human than Reaper. You were starting to become accustomed to the feelings and moods of being human, and you were truly starting to embrace it. Everything could be perfect, especially since Sam was back. Maybe if you worked slow, your Sam would come back to you, and things could slowly fall back into place.

Day dreaming about what could lay ahead, you didn't notice the two figures in front of you at first. But when the girl let out a heavy moan, your eyes drifted down from the sunset, to the two writhing figures pressed against a door ahead of you. Not wanting to be caught staring, you moved to go around them, when you noticed the man seemed familiar. His long, tall body which was bent down so he could nibble on the girl's neck, and the long lock of hair that kept falling in front of his face. 

"Sam?" You whispered, not wanting to believe what you were seeing. 

He pulled back from the woman, for one moment, to give you a bone chilling smile. "Hi Y/N." He said, before he reached behind her, opening the door and pushing her inside. You watched as he slammed the door shut, tears streaming down your face. Willing yourself to move, you could still hear the moans from behind the door as you opened the door to your room.

Both Bobby and Dean turned to look at you, their faces full of concern as they took in your tear stained face. "Y/N, what's wrong?" Dean asked, rushing forward, pulling out his gun.

"Are you sure that's really Sam?" You asked, sniffling. "Because the Sam I knew would have never made out with another girl in front of me."

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