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After your emotional talk with Sam, you watched him walk away, making no attempt to follow him. The tears that you hardly ever let fall, dropped down your cheeks, and you hastily brushed them away just as Bobby's voice boomed from behind you. "You're a Reaper." He started but it didn't sound like an insult. "Can't you figure out a way to stop him, to make all of this work without him sacrificing himself. Talk to Death maybe?"

You turned to face the older man, your pain filled eyes answering him when your voice wouldn't work.

"Didn't think so, but it was worth a shot." He said, pulling a bottle of whiskey from a cabinet.

"Bobby..." You started, and he gathered you in his arms, holding you tight, knowing what you needed.

"Shh, girl." He said, rubbing your back before holding you at arm's length. "Dry those tears. We need to put a strong front on, for Sam. And I didn't think Reapers cried, anyways."

You sniffed back your tears, cracking a small smile. "I'm not like most Reapers."

"Yeah, I think I've figured that out." He said, handing you a glass of whiskey.

Taking a sip, you choked at the heat sliding down your throat before settling in your belly. "Wow." You coughed, taking a much smaller sip this time.

"You'll get used to it." Bobby said, as Sam and Dean came back through the door, with equal looks of sadness, but acceptance.

Sam went over and grabbed the keys to Bobby's van. "I'm going to run into town for supplies. Want anything?"

After Bobby had given Sam a list, you went into his study, grabbing a random book, before settling down on the window seat, your legs tucked underneath you.

It was only moments later Dean joined you in the study, grabbing a chair and turning it backwards before sitting down. He didn't say anything, so you concentrated on the book in your hands. It was written in an old forgotten language, but you could still read it. It was something about the apocalypse, but so far hadn't given any new information out.

"Did he tell you his plans?" Dean finally said, making you jump.

Sitting the book down, you turned your full attention on Dean. "Yeah, he just did."

He ran a hand through his hair, making it stand up on end. His lips were puckered and you could sense the unease and frustration rolling off of him in waves. "And, you agreed with it?"

You could tell he was itching for a fight, needing some sort of release, someone else to blame it on. "Not really. I said I would support his decision, but truthfully? It's killing me inside. I don't want him to get locked into the pit for all eternity."

Your words took the fight right out of Dean, you watched his shoulders slump. "Is there anything you can do to stop him?"

You shook your head. "I wish there was. But I can't think of anything, and I know Death would have said something."

He nodded, before standing up and pacing the room. "I told him that I didn't like it, but that I would support his decision. But, I don't know if I will be able to stand by and watch him throw himself in there."

"You can, and you will. Because you will be there, to support him. Because no matter what, you are his big brother."

He nodded, showing you eyes filled with tears. Tears that only brought out the green in them. "Is there any way, once he's gone, to bring him back? To go to hell? You're a Reaper, maybe you have connections? Or maybe you can take me with you, and we can bust him out?"

You hated this, the fact that you would have to break his hope, to let him know that you had made a promise. A promise that you didn't want to keep, but that you knew you had to. "Dean, I want to. In the worst way. You need to know that. I even already talked to Sam about it, telling him I would find a way. But he...he made me..."

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