Chapter One

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I was a little excited. Okay I was over excited. But I didn't dare to show it. I was the Beta's daughter and the oldest girl between the Beta and the Alpha. Mother and the Luna was getting me ready. It was my seventeenth birthday. I would shift for the first time that night and finally smell my mate.

"Beautiful," Logan, the Alpha's son, said. I turned around and smiled. My four best friends were there; Logan, Corey, Tank, and Allen; all dressed in their suits. My birthday was basically a ball so everyone was dressed up extremely nice.

Logan was eighteen as well. As I already said, he was Alpha's oldest son. He was going to take over the pack as soon as he was eighteen.

Corey was still sixteen. He was the son of the lead engineer and was planning to take over his father's job at eighteen.

Tank was eighteen. He was the sports star and future warrior. He was training to protect our future Luna.

Then there was Allen who was nineteen. He was really chill and was suppose to be the lead architect for the pack. I was kinda worried about his future job considering that he was too chill about everything.

"Thank you," I said, curtsying. They laughed. I was the least girly girl in the pack.

"Wait who got the first last dance tonight?" Tank asked.

"Loggie Bear," I said, smiling. I always Logan that since I could talk.

"Really Angie?" Logan asked. I smiled and Mother yanked my chin.

"Angela, sit still and let us finish. Then the boys can escort you down," Mother scolded.

"Yes Mother," I said. I could see the boys trying not to laugh.

"Look at you. The oldest daughter of the leaders. I remember my first shift still," Logan's mother said. I smiled lightly. Time for the boys to be uncomfortable.

"Can you tell me again?" I asked.

"Pure bliss. My wolf was finally free and I finally found my mate. She took me to the same place I would lose my virginity and be mated with Logan's father," she said, dreamily.

"Mom," Logan moaned. I laughed at the boys' discomfort and Mother hugged me.

"You'll know your mate's smell. It is overpowering once you start to focus on it. Your father and I will mind link you as soon as possible. You won't be alone Angie," Mother said. I smiled. I was an only child and my parents were very cool when it came to my life. However, some girls on the first shift break every bone (per normal requirements) but if she's left alone for too long, she dies from inexperienced.

"I know Mama. I will wait for you two," I said, nervous. Boys didn't have the same fear because their wolves weren't as strong as females. The boys were watching me, knowing females didn't always get control right away.

Don't worry. I would never hurt you. My wolf started telling me. I whimpered and everyone watched me. I couldn't talk to my wolf but she could talk to me.

"Angie?" Mama asked. I looked at her and took a deep breath.

"I'm okay. She's talking to me," I said.

"Don't worry. Once you can talk to your wolf you will be so happy and free," Tank said. I smiled.

"I am ready," I said. Mama and the Luna smiled and left. The boys all attacked me into a hug.

"Birthday presents!" Corey yelled.

"Okay, okay!" I exclaimed, sitting on my bed. Logan held out a small box and sat next to me.

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