Chapter 43

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Jackson made a face as Logan and I both tried some Coke. He decided that the taste of Coke wasn't his cup of tea. I laughed.

"It's tastes good baby. Wait till your older, okay?" I asked. He nodded with a weird face.

"Hey, remember when-" Allen started. Then he froze. I looked around and realized everyone froze.

"Mrs. Fen. I'm glad to see you again," a female said. I turned and saw the witch woman that came to the hotel room when I visited the Supernatural Council.

"Stay away from me," I ordered as I stood. She walked slowly.

"I want to talk about you baby that will come in, what now? Two months? Two and a half?" she asked. I touched my stomach.

"Two and a week... You won't take him from me," I said.

"That's not our intention. Your pup is valuable. He won't be able to control his magic. He needs us and you," she said.

"We have a family," I said. She set her jaw.

"Okay, we have to do this the hard way," she said. I saw a beam of magic come my way so I closed my eyes but there was a crash. I opened my eyes and saw her on the first floor. She ran out and everyone moved again.

"Angie, what's wrong?" Logan asked. I looked back at him.

"You didn't see that?" I asked.

"See what?" he asked, standing next to me.

"Freddie just protected me," I said. Everyone looked at me.

"What?" he asked.

"There was a witch and she tried hurting me but she was repelled back. I know I don't have magic so Freddie..." I breathed. Logan looked at the boys.

"Let's get to Seattle. Maybe this Hermes guy can help us figure out the witches as well the mate situation," Logan said.

"But Jackson was promised two toys," I whispered. Jackson slid his small hand in mine.

"It's okay Mommie. We can get toys in Seattle. But it moves to three," he said. I chuckled and nodded.

"He learns fast," Logan said. I laughed.

A/N: Sorry it is so short but it's kind of a filler chapter to just show Freddie off before you have a chance to really meet him.

Since I'm doing this might as well say a few other things.

I will make a squeal to this book about Cade, Jackson, Freddie, Lily, and Cate. I don't know what is going to be called but it will be made maybe after this book.

Also, please check out my other book, Battle Scars, I worked just as hard on that one as this one and I would like to see what people think about the story.

I don't know how many more chapters I will write for this book but as my English teacher says "As many or as little as it takes to explain the story as fully and completely as possible." Who knows? Maybe this book will have 10 more chapters or 50 more.

Have a beautiful night/day/life and don't forget to smile every now and then.


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