Chapter 4

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A week after Corey rejected me as his mate, I found no matter what, I couldn't look at him. News spread pretty quickly and Logan and Hannah stayed close by to deflect any comments. Of course Hannah went home (sometimes) but Logan was my main support system. Allen and Tank helped in anyway possible but I really just wanted space.

"Corey wants to talk to you... again," Luna said. I was working on dream catchers. Our Native American background story was very rooted into our economy so anyone with free time found themselves making dream catchers or other things.

"I'm not in the mood Luna. I'm not ready to talk to him yet," I said. She sat next to me and started making another dream catcher.

"When are you going to be ready to talk to him Angela?" she asked. I put my finished dream catcher down and looked out the window. Tank was teaching some pups how to play soccer and coaching them. My three mates (I got to use to saying four mates) were always around those days. At least one where I could see him.

"I don't know him. He broke my heart. He thinks he did something good for us both but he can't live with himself without his wolf and my three mates can tell that him rejecting me changed me. The part that loved him," I said. Luna nodded.

"Are you sure it's him and not that you are going longer without actually mating because you are scared about what will happen to the boys if you pick?" she asked as I started another dream catcher.

"That's probably part of it. But how can I live with myself if I pick when I grew up with these guys?" I asked.

"You said if you pick. Are you planning on not picking?" she asked. Her voice held fear. Fear of losing her son.

"Can I tell you something as the Luna and not Logan's mom? Something that stays away from everyone?" I asked. She looked at my and nodded.

"Of course Angie. Sometimes you need the Luna not your spare mother," she laughed A nervous laugh. I saw Allen walking up to Tank and talking.

"I want Logan so much. The night of the accident we almost mated but Hannah interrupted us. I was so ready but scared," I said, looking at her.

"The Luna part of me is asking why Logan? What makes him different? However the mother side of me is ready to scold you and start planning the wedding. Oh and your Luna ceremony," she said. I giggled.

"Logan because I feel at home with him. We have so much more history together and that means a lot to me," I said. She touched my hand.

"Are you willing to lose both Tank and Allen for Logan?" she asked. A thought suddenly came to both of us.

"They have to reject me," I said.

"You have to reject them," she said at the exact same time. I nodded and took a deep.

"I'll reject them," I decided. I don't know why but my tears teared up and I cried into my hands. She pulled me closer.

"Is everything okay?" Logan asked. I smiled at him and ran into his arms. He purred (yes, wolves have a form of purring) from his chest and I cuddled closer.

"Go buy a tux and tell the pack they have a new Luna," I muttered. Logan held me tighter.

"Is this for real?" he asked. I nodded.

"I have to do something real quick," I said, heading outside. Allen and Tank smiled at me and it broke my heart knowing I was going to hurt them so damn much.

"We heard and if that's what you want," Tank said. I gave them a confused look.

"Mates can hear so far and a wall isn't enough of a barrier," Allen said. I took a deep breath. I quickly kissed each of them and they smiled.

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