Chapter 55

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A week later

I walked with Freddie in my arms and Jackson holding my belt. Logan was holding Lily and Cate. We were going to a picnic since we had been way too stressed. Tank's idea not mine or Logan's.

"It's beautiful here," I said. I was wearing a white crop top, white keds, and capris. I wasn't scared to wear a crop top around my mate and children.

"It is," Logan said. He was wearing white vans, a white collared shirt and dark blue jeans. He looked so dashing in it and he played that fact to the max.

"May I play in the water?" Jackson asked. He wanted to match his father so I did coordinate his outfit with Logan's but I put a white beanie on him.

Note to us: Jackson is adorable in beanies and we will always put him in beanies, Lacey said. I chuckled and shook my head.

"No baby boy. You need to eat and it is too cold to play in the water," I said. He nodded and sat on the blanket Mama and Mariam set up earlier.

"Look how adorable I dressed the girls," Logan beamed. I looked as I put Freddie in the rocker. Cate was in a purple flower dress and Lily was in pink dress with circles on it.

They don't match Angie, Lacey said. I took a deep breath.

I know that. I need to tread lightly. He didn't dress the girls before, I said.

You hate it don't you? Charles asked.

Darling... it's just a that... I usually make it so they match in patterns, I said. He looked at the girls and sighed.

"I tried so hard to do it right," he said. I smiled and kissed him lightly.

"You did good for the first time," I said. "As least they are completely covered." He smiled and rolled his eyes.

"I'm not stupid, Angel," he said. I kissed him again.

"Mommie! Daddie!" Jackson whined. We looked at him and he was pouting. I tapped his nose and stared at him.

"No whining children. Whining children don't get desert like non whining children," I said. He bowed his head and nodded. I leaned on Logan as he opened the basket and started pulling out sandwiches.

"Thank you Daddie," Jackson said. I closed my eyes as Logan started eating.

"You are eating for two again so you have to eat darling," Logan whispered.

I hadn't told Logan I already knew the sex of the baby... or rather babies. A set of triplets. Two boys and a girl. Lacey was telling me that she knew that they would have the same mate and that that was normal for twins nine out of ten times because wolves didn't want to separate twins.

"Three," I whispered. He smiled at me.

"Twins?" he whispered. I shook my head.

"Triplets. I'm eating for four. I meant three other pups," I said. He sat and thought about it.

"They could use them," he said. I buried my face in his chest and he rubbed my back lovingly.

"We can't let them get taken or go through what Lily and Cate are going through Loggie," I said. I felt a small pair of arms wrap around me and I looked at Jackson trying to hug me and Logan.

"Come here," Logan said, pulling Jackson in the center of us. I cuddled the boys and Logan petted my hair like I was the pup.

"Mommie isn't allowed to cry about anything, okay?" Jackson asked. Logan kissed his forehead.

"That's our job from now on. If Mommie is ever sad we have to make her happy again because she is our girl," Logan said. I smiled until we all heard a low growl. Logan stood and I pulled Lily, Cate, and Freddie closer. Jackson cuddled into my chest.

"Did you think that you could just take our Alpha and Beta without punishment?" a voice asked. Logan and I both shifted. I stood over our pups as Logan stood next to me.

Who are you? Show your face! Logan demanded.

"What the hell are they doing?" a male voice asked.

They can't hear us. They don't have their wolf gene active, I muttered. Logan growled and a girl walked out.

"Mommie..." Jackson muttered. I looked at his scared face but shook my head. He nodded and moved under the center of me.

"Let's make a deal. We get our Alpha and Beta and we don't touch your pups. We never wanted to start a war. We just want our wolves but a war is not the way to get them back. Logan shifted back and stared at the girl.

"You can't make promises for your Alpha and Beta," Logan said.

"We are making a sacrifice tonight with two pups that won't survive until their first birthday and it will be a painful life the rest of the time," she said. Logan looked at me.

"Your Beta seems to have plans for my mate that don't involve our twins. What can you tell us about that?" Logan asked.

"Beta James? He isn't a wolf so he doesn't understand our mates... Then again I barely do but I know you two shouldn't be separated like that," she said.

"What is he?" Logan asked as I shifted back.

"Pure blood wizard. He is too strong for his own good," the girl said.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Alpha Thomas's wife. Now I know that is not a reason to trust me, but I need you to trust me," she said.

Make her make an alliance and a treaty, I told Logan. He cocked his head.

What if they just want to get close to the pack house? he asked.

The whole guard is there and we have won all except two battles. They know they are outnumbered, I said.

"We will go to our pack house and make a treaty that will end this war," Logan said. She nodded.

"But, I think we should formal introduce ourselves," I said.

"Of course. I'm Luna Madalynn or Maddie for short," she said.

"I'm Alpha Logan and this is my mate and wife and Luna, Luna Angela," Logan said.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Luna Madalynn," I said. Jackson held my leg and I put my hand on his head.

"Please follow us," Logan said. Logan helped me pick up Lily and Cate and I carried Freddie as Jackson latched himself to the belt loop of my pants.

"We need Thomas to make a deal. It's only fair," Maddie said. I looked at Logan and he nodded.

Simon, Tank. Is Alpha Thomas in the cells? I asked. There was a hesitation.

Yes. We are looking at him, Simon said. And don't call him Alpha when his pack was discontinued.

Reinstate their pack. We are making a deal with them, I said.

Can I advise you to say no? Tank asked.

No. Please take Alpha Thomas to Alpha Logan's mans my office immediately, I said.

Yes Luna. We walked to the back door of the pack house and I gave Freddie to Mama.

"The war will be over soon," I said as I led Maddie upstairs after seating Jackson with Hannah.

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