Chapter 3

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I laid at the foot of my bed on the floor. My face was tear stained and my right cheek had the imprint of my carpet. I was too weak to move. I just wanted to get the four rejections that would shatter my heart and leave me in the dark forever. The guys kept coming back every hour to see if I would come to the door. I wasn't strong enough to move to the door and open it.

"Angie?" Tank asked, knocking on my door. I moaned but not loud enough for the boys to hear me.

"Angie, baby," Logan whispered. Three growls erupted and a fierce growl snapped back. I whimpered, hearing my mates' anger rising and they stopped.

"Angie. Please come out," Corey said. I got just enough strength to pick myself up into a seated position and crawled to the door. I leaned my head against the door and the boys whimpered.

"Ang, open the door so we can talk to you," Allen said. I found the knob and the door swung out. I fell and hit my head. I was far too weak to drag myself to sit up. Apparently a wolf needed sleep in order to function. Lacey was begging me to sleep. I felt someone pick me up and lay me on my bed.

"Hey Angie," Logan said. I looked at him. I whimpered waiting for the rejection. "We aren't going to reject you. We fought your father and he has no right to do that to you or us. We much rather died then watch you go through the effects of a broken heart." A hand rubbed my forehead and I leaned into it.

"Sweetie," Allen said, "Go to sleep. We will be here when you wake up and if you want to talk then we will." I closed my eyes and, as Corey would say, I zonked out almost immediately.


I woke up to sounds about someone moving in a chair. I threw my pillow over my head and I heard a girl's giggle. I peeked out from under my pillow and saw Hannah sitting in my desk chair. I sat up and tried patting my hair down.

"Hey there sleepy head. I guess you found out the hard way our wolves need sleep," Hannah said. I nodded. She cocked her head, confused.

"Guess so," I whispered. She sat next to me on my bed and looked at me. She touched my hand and smiled.

"I told you we should hang out and when you weren't at school I figured I'll stop by and meet your mates," she said. Lacey instantly growled and Hannah shifted back.

"Mine," I growled. Hannah raised her hands.

"I have a mate. Granted he is missing right now but your mates are that attractive to me," she said. Lacey calmed down and I swung my feet out of bed.

"I know that. Lacey is still over protective," I said, placing my feet on the ground.

"Parsley is the same way," Hannah said. I glanced over my shoulder. "My wolf." I nodded and stood. I felt weak and nausea filled my body.

"I need food," I muttered. Hannah jumped up.

"Okay. Your mom was cooking in the kitchen when I arrived. It sounds like you guys are have a pack dinner," Hannah said. That little ray of sunshine was going to be beaten if she continued like that before I got something in my system.

"Every night is a pack dinner night," I growled as we walked downstairs. She shrugged.

"That's cool. Our alpha does pack dinners on Sunday's only," she said. I walked into the kitchen where all the mated non pregnant females were cooking dinner.

"Hey Angie," the Luna said. I held the counter.

"I need something to hold me over until dinner. My insides are eating itself," I said. Most of the women laughed as Mama got me a plate of waffles.

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