Chapter 40

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I finished curling my hair and looking at the mirror. I was wearing a pink dress I brought in case of emergency and black flats. The necklace Jackson gave me and my wedding ring were the only jewelry I was wearing. My crescent mark was dominant on my neck. I put on some light makeup.

"Okay, you listen to your uncles and get some sleep," Logan told Jackson.

"Yes Daddie," Jackson said.

"He has to eat dinner and bed by nine," I said walking out of the bathroom.

"Mommie looks so pretty," Jackson said. I smiled as Logan looked over me.

"Yes, she does," Logan said. I blushed as Logan took my hand. I looked at Allen, Tank, and Corey.

"Absolutely no sugar," I said. Jackson moaned and fell back on the bed.

"Don't do that young man. Your mother is trying to make you an amazing Alpha like your father," Tank said. I smiled at Tank, thankfully.

"I'm sorry Mommie," Jackson said.

"It's okay baby," I said. Logan led me to the door.

"We have to get going if we don't want to be late for our reservations," Logan said. I smiled as Jackson screamed and ran to us.

"Night Jackson. Have a good night with your uncles and behave, okay?" I asked. He nodded. I kissed his head and Logan ruffled his hair.

"One night of freedom. Now to not worry about the kids," Logan said. We stepped in the elevator. We were silent for a second.

"What if they don't know the difference in the cries from the girls?" I asked. He looked at me.

"They can feel that there is shit in the diaper or not," he said.

"If Jackson starts cussing after today, I'll kill the boys," I said.

"Here's a game, if either of us mention the kids tonight the other one gets to tickle them," he said. I smiled and took his hand.

"Okay deal," I said as the elevator stopped to let another floor on.

"Good evening," the man said as Logan pulled me to him.

"Good evening," I said. The man and woman smiled at us.

"How far along are you?" the woman asked. I quickly did the math in my head.

"Four months," I said. The woman smiled and looked at the man.

"Remember when I was pregnant?" the woman asked. I smiled as Logan rubbed my belly.

"Those cravings," the man said.

"You were such a lamb, treating me like a princess," the woman said. I smiled at Logan and he moved my hair.

"You were a queen," the man said.

"Is this your first?" the woman asked. I shook my head.

"No. We have a two year old boy and a twin girls we had six months ago," I said. The man gave us a distasteful look and the woman looked surprised.

"You look awful young to have had three kids already," the woman said.

"Our culture starts young. We've been together since we were what?" I asked Logan.

"I think we were born for each other and there were no questions about it," Logan said. The woman raised an eyebrow.

"And what religion is that?" the man asked.

"Native American culture. My husband is actually the chief of the tribe," I said. I was so proud to announce it to pale faces.

"Oh wow," the woman said as the elevator hit the casino. The duo left quickly as Logan and I casually walked out. Everyone rushed into the elevator we were just in.

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