Chapter 56

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Day One of Debates:

Logan and I sat on one side of the desk while Maddie and Thomas sat on the other. Logan and Alpha Thomas were engaged in a staring battle.

"Alphas. We have a way for both packs to get what they want and an alliance between our packs. So can we stop this childish behavior and talk?" Maddie asked.

"Very well," Alpha Thomas said, leaning back.

"Let's start with the twins," Logan said.

"Our lead warrior's twins won't survive the year and they are in constant pain. We offer them for the sacrifices instead of twins from your pack," Maddie said.

"We want to be present to ensure that it happens," I said. Alpha Thomas nodded.

"That is only fair," he said.

"I'm sorry I am late," Alpha Sira said, walking in. I looked at him.

"Alpha Sira what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I asked him to join. He is our strongest ally and I thought it would be right to have a third pack discuss with us," Logan said.

"Very well. We were discussing that their warrior's twins will be the sacrifices," Alpha Thomas said.

"Are we going to be present at the sacrifice?" Sira asked.

"Yes," I said.

Are we really going to watch to pups get killed? Lacey asked.

If we must, I replied.

Talk about Beta James, she advised.

"My wolf and I are concerned about your Beta James. He raped me and kidnapped me. I want him removed from your pack," I said. Logan took my hand.

"He blackmailed our pack into taking him in. He isn't a wolf and therefore will be removed from the pack as soon as the treaty is signed," Alpha Thomas said. I nodded.

"He was under your control when my mate got rape. I also want computation for that," Logan said, "As well as when she was kidnapped by him with our girls."

"I did not control Beta James's actions in anyway," Alpha Thomas said.

"However, you did not give orders to not touch my wife," Logan growled.

"Even if I did do you think that he wouldn't touch her? I never wanted to touch her," Alpha Thomas said.

"Then why did you take her?" Maddie asked.

"Beta James wanted her. She was something important to him ever since he was young. We didn't understand why she was important to him. We still don't know why your mate is of any importance to Beta James. If we did, we would have stopped him sooner," Alpha Thomas said. I looked at my hands and thought about it.

"He is a full wizard... they get attracted to the same person like a wolf gets a mate," I recalled reading in a book. "I must have imprinted on him for some reason so in his mind I'm his." Everyone looked at me.

"We will create a plan to stop the Beta from pulling Luna Angela from Alpha Logan," Sira declared.

"That is one of the most important things on our list of topics," Alpha Thomas said.

"We should make a list," I said, flipping the war map board over so the white board was showing.

"First is how the Mystic Pack is to be treated in the future," Alpha Dominic said. I looked at Uncle and he stood in the doorway with Auntie Christine behind him.

"I'm glad you could join us," Logan said. Uncle nodded and I waited as Luna Maddie and Christine walked to me.

"I want to discuss the treatment of women among all the packs that sign this agreement," I said, writing it. The two other Lunas nodded as I wrote it.

"We must discuss future relations between the packs," Alpha Thomas said.

"We all have hostages for the Mystic Pack and I'm pretty sure they have hostages," Sira said.

"I wish to speak about Luna relations with the Alphas," Auntie Christine said. Maddie nodded and I looked at them.

"What for?" Sira asked.

"If we don't look unified, you four won't look united to the packs if we look ready to kill each other," Maddie said. I looked at my hands and thought about how inexperienced I was in Luna stuff.

"We also should discuss a unified system between the packs as the national United States government," Logan said. I looked at him and nodded. The other Alphas nodded. "Very well. Now it is late and we need to rest before we continue discussing further. I will show everyone to a room and we will resume at eight in the morning tomorrow," Logan said.

"After you Alpha Logan," Alpha Thomas said. I nodded my head as everyone left the office. I took a deep breath and started to walk out of the office.

"Angela... People don't like that Alpha Thomas is in the pack house," Tank said, as he walked over to me. I raised an eyebrow at him and glared at him.

"People or you, Tank?" I asked. He moaned and rolled his eyes.

"The guard. They are anxious about our enemy being here," he said. I kissed his cheek, making him take a step back and I smiled at him.

"Don't you trust me?" I asked. He nodded and I walked away.

Tank's P.O.V

I stood holding my cheek in the hall as Angela walked away from me. She was the most beautiful woman other than my mother I had ever laid my eyes on. So kind. So gentle. So trusting and kind.

"Commander Willow? What did Luna Angela tell you?" one of my guards asked. I felt myself getting ready to let tears roll down my face.

"We will not make a move on Alpha Thomas while he is here," I said. The was a mummer between the two guards behind me.

"What if they make a treaty? Alpha Logan will open the door for Luna Angela to get hurt," the second guard said. I shook my head.

"No. I will make sure that Luna Angela doesn't get hurt," I said, pushing past them. I was shocked she kissed my cheek.

"Angela," I stated as I saw her on the stairs.

"Yes, Tank?" she asked. I grabbed her arm and walked to the garden.

"What was that kiss about?" I demanded. She cocked her head.

"Didn't you like it?" she said.

"That doesn't matter. I'm already making sacrifices for you but you can't go kissing me!" I yelled, frustrated.

"Sacrifices? You think you are making sacrifices? I live with Logan who I don't when he will lose his temper again and hit me. I am putting my neck on the line for you and your mate. My pups are the only thing that keep me going. I refuse to tell Logan what Allen told me. I live with the knowledge that I had a chance to meet Corey's birth wolf and tell him his wolf's name. I have to be ready to get up my life for my children and I have already given my life up for the pack. I wanted to go to NYU and study photography. But I have to give my life to this pack and yet I am not thanked. I had the knowledge any pack Luna would wish to know but I never wanted to that knowledge. I lived for a month that no matter how I picked that three of my best friends would die and I couldn't prevent that. You haven't made a sacrifice! You don't know what a sacrifice is!" she shouted at me. I stared at her as she had tears roll down her face. I hugged her.

"I'm sorry Angie," I whispered as she cried.

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