Chapter 61

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I stared at the ceiling. James thought taking Logan to the basement and beating him up would cause me less pain but it hurt more since I didn't know where James was going to hit next. Tears rolled down my face and I could heard Logan screaming in pain.

Logan... Are you okay? I asked. I felt a pain in my gut.

I'm fine Angel. You can't show him any weaknesses, Logan said.

I can stop the pain. I just have to tell him that he is hurting me, I told him.

Just don't. He might show me where he is weak in fighting, Logan said. I whimpered and looked at my lap.

Tank's P.O.V

The second we got word that Logan and Angie were in James's hands we ran to surround them. We could see James walking around and doing things but Logan told us just to wait because we might hurt Angie.

"Jackson keeps crying," Allen said. Jackson wanted to run in and go to his parents but we couldn't let the child run in.

Bobby... Liam is in danger as well, I whispered. Bobby whimpered.

Hades... we have to get Hades to separate the Mates from Angie, he said. I looked at the ground.

That means leaving for a little, I reasoned.

Let's do it. We might be able to throw him off with three more people in there, he said.

"I will be back," I said, starting walk away from the group.

"Commander! What should we do?" one of my men said.

"Don't let the Luna and Alpha get hurt," I said, taking off. I ran and shifted.

Commander Tank. Why are you here? Artemis asked.

I have to find Hades and find him now. He has to separate the other three from Angie so it throws James off, I said. She stepped in front of me. I froze.

"I will send my uncle over immediately. Just go back," she said. I shifted back.

"I can't until I know I have a way to overpower James," I said.

"Trust my daughter," she said, walking away.

Angela's P.O.V

I watched as James threw Logan into the loveseat again and I looked at Logan's bloody face. I wanted to cry but I stopped and looked towards the window. I felt hand touch my face but I pulled away and James sighed.

"Beautiful... we will be happy soon, you will see soon," James said.

"I don't want to be happy with you," I said, softly. But I could hear the anger in my own voice.

"Beautiful, you don't mean that," he said. I looked at him slowly and observed his face that had so much love and admiration.

"You took advantage of the innocence of a six year and expected a female werewolf to love you. A witch. I didn't know better back then but I know now. You are nothing but a coward and weak man," I said. "I'm a glad that you are not my mate." He wrapped his hand around my neck and Logan and I gasped for air as he squeezed my neck.

"I was bounded to you when we were born. We don't have a choice about who we get bounded to. It just happens," he growled and I whimpered. Logan tried moving. James looked at him and released my neck. Logan and I both started gasping for air. James got a concerned look. "You can feel what I do to her?" James asked.

"Yes. When you hurt her and she can feel when I am being hurt," Logan stated. James touched me and I started crying.

"Don't touch me," I wept and he dropped his hand. I wept and Logan whimpered to get my attention.

"I love you, Angela," James whispered. I shook my head and tried moving but it failed.


I lost everything in the past few days. My pups I was carrying. My mate and husband. And now my freedom. At least one I could fix right there and then.

"Logan?" I asked. He looked up and studied my face.

"Yes?" he replied.

"I am so sorry. I shouldn't have been so mad at you for keeping something a secret from me and pushed you away. I just needed to think but I pushed you away which I shouldn't have done because I lost you," I said. He looked at me and a tear slid down his face.

"I should have told you," he said, "I never meant to threaten you. The last thing I would want was to hurt you. I was just so focused that we didn't know what we were saying and doing," he said.

"I can't lose you, Loggie," I said. He nodded.

"Run through Spanish terms with me," he said. I knew Spanish well enough so I was teaching Logan so he could speak to Hispanic, Latino and Caribbean packs. 

"Esquina?" I asked.

"Corner," he said.

"Tienda?" I asked.

"Store," he whispered.



"Te amo," I whispered.

"I love you." I smiled at him.

"Don't let him know that," I said, looking upstairs.

"Once this is all over, I am kissing you for hours," he said. James came storming downstairs.

"What is this?" James demanded. It was the picture frame with all the pictures of me and Logan together as we grew up. Halloween. School performances. Birthdays. Just us smiling.

"My husband and I as we grew up," I said. He smashed the picture frame and Logan and I both gasped.

"How about this?" he asked. It was a picture of Jackson and a girl about his age in the pack that him and Cade liked hanging out with.

"My son and his friend," I told him, anger at him for looking at everything that he could possibly touch and see. He threw against the floor.

"Your illegitimate child that doesn't deserve to live," he said. I felt tears fall.

"You don't mean that..." I whispered. He slapped me and I cried harder. I felt like punching him and suddenly a vase flew across the room. It hit him in the head and the restraints fell. Logan held James down even though he was knocked out.

"Go get help," Logan said. I stared at him.

"I did that with my mind," I whispered. He looked at me and nodded.

"Maybe we both have secrets that need to be kept," he said. "Open the door so the guards can take him." I did as I was told and as soon as Logan knew the guards had James, he pulled me into his arms.

"We need to see Artemis, Loggie," I said. He kissed my head as the guards dragged James out.

"Don't worry, Angel. We will figure it out," he said.    

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