Chapter 42

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I pushed the girls in the stroller as Logan carried Jackson and Jackson's backpack. Allen, Tank, and Corey walked ahead of us and I kinda liked that Logan and I could talk private.

"I'll drive today," I said. Logan laughed.

"Okay," he said.

"I don't want to go to a meeting," Jackson said. I looked at him.

"Mommie and Daddie need to go to this meeting. After, we will go to the Coke and M&M factory and you can get two toys, okay?" I asked. Jackson smiled.

"Okay. I will behave and play with Pierre in a corner," he said. I kissed his cheek as we walked outside to the valet.

"I'll pull your car around right now," the valet said, running off with our keys.

"Are you okay with driving today?" Logan asked. I smiled and nodded.

"Yeah. I want to drive," I said as I pulled my camera bag out from the stroller.

"Can you not?" Tank asked. I laughed as I saw Jackson pulling Tank's ear.

"But Uncle Tank! Your ear is soft!" Jackson yelled.

My mate is cute holding a child, Liam said. I smiled as Jackson jumped into Tank's arms.

He is. I'm glad he's your mate, I told him.

You still love him.... Why? Liam asked. I sighed.

I don't think I will ever stop loving any of them, I said. Liam rubbed against Lacey.

It's okay. I understand, he said.

Thank you, I said. He pushed Lacey as he sat on the ground.

"Angel, the car is here," Logan said. I looked at him.

"Okay," I said. "Jackson, climb in." Jackson waited until Tank put him in the car and Logan handed him his backpack.

"Are you okay to drive?" Logan asked. I nodded.

"Liam was talking to me," I said. Tank turned around.

"What did he say?" Tank asked.

"That you look cute with kids," I said. He smiled to himself. I smiled and climbed into the driver's side.

"May I have a fruit snack?" Jackson asked. Tank, Allen, and Corey, who had climbed into the last row of seats, looked around for fruit snacks. I opened the center council that had piles of fruit snacks and cookies that we picked up from a gas station. What? We really didn't have time to prepare for a two year old.

"Here Jackie," Logan said, handing Jackson a fruit snack. Jackson looked at Cate then Lily.

"Can Cate and Lily have fruit snacks?" Jackson asked.

"No baby. They don't have teeth to chew it. They can only drink milk," I said. Jackson opened the fruit snacks and popped one in his mouth. I smiled at Logan who kissed my cheek.


We sat in the basement of a casino. I rocked the girls in the stroller, back and forth, while Logan sat on the floor with Jackson playing with Jackson's action figures.

"I wonder what's taking so long," Tank said.

"Yeah, considering that he took a whole five minutes last time," Allen said.

"Just calm down. He will get us when he is ready. This is a very difficult thing we are asking them to do," I said. I started growing nervous.

What's wrong Ang? Lacey asked.

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