Chapter 31

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Logan convinced everyone to leave us around ten and I was grateful. I laid next to my best friend and husband. He had an arm around me and my laptop on his lap as we watched YouTube.

"Do you think our pups will have the same relationships we have with the guys?" I asked. He looked at me and moved my hair that was getting too long.

"I hope so. They have to have friends like we do because it is important that they have supportive friends like we do," he said. I looked at me lap and sighed.

"Didn't you feel like it was harder to make friends because you were the Alpha's son?" I asked. He shrugged.

"Not really. I was a jock and the future Alpha of Rose Creek. People always talked to me. Was it that hard for you?" he asked.

"Yeah, just a little bit," I said. He cupped my face and kissed my lips softly.

"I'm sorry. I wish I would have thought about being a Beta's daughter would have been different," he said.

"It had nothing to do with the fact that I was the Beta's daughter. I just was awkward in general," I said. He put the laptop on the floor and held me closer.

"I thought you were beautiful," he whispered.

"But I wasn't... I'm not beautiful," I said, softly.

"You're right, you're not beautiful," he said. I looked at him. I never thought my mate would say that to me. "You are perfect. Goddess like. A small slice of heaven. Anyone who didn't see that was stupid and if they did but ignored you then they weren't worth your time to begin with," he said. His voice held so much emotion and love that I felt tears come to my eyes.

"Logan, no. Don't make me more than I am," I stated. He cupped my face and laid me under him.

"You are the most gorgeous woman I have ever met... Except my mother... But you are so insecure. What can I do to make it all go away?" he asked. I started crying.

"The fact James raped me. The stretch marks from the girls. The scars I have from being bullied. The imperfections," I cried, standing up and rubbing my skin. Logan jumped up and held my wrists.

"Stretch marks show you are a mother of some beautiful children. Your scars show that you are a fighter. James may have raped you but you are a survivor. You are imperfectly perfect. I couldn't ask for a better wife and mother for my children. You are simply the best person in the world," he said. I wrapped my arms around his neck and sobbed.

"Logan..." I sobbed.

"Sleep, Angel. We can talk in the morning," he said. I shook my head.

"No. The boys need their mates now. James and Hunter are in captivity and I know it's mostly safe for us. We need to head to Vegas," I said. He nodded.

"I'll call the boys and tell Dominic and Christine that we are going to be coming over. I want you to visit them," he said. I nodded and let Logan lay me down on the bed.


I woke up in a bundle of blankets. I looked at the computer screen that was attached to camera in the girls' room. I noticed the boys had actually finished it earlier but I didn't like the placement of things.

"Morning Gorgeous," Logan said, walking in.

"Morning Loggie Bear," I said. He sat on the edge and kissed my forehead.

"Ready to get ready and get going?" he asked. I nodded and pushed the blankets off. I struggled and Logan laughed at me.

"I'm stuck," I whined. He pulled the blanket off of me.

"There we go. The boys will be here soon," he said. I slid out and saw our bags packed.

"How do you function in the morning?" I asked.

"Years of training. Come on, we can take a shower... if you are comfortable with it," he said.

"Have you been holding back since I was..." I couldn't finish.

"Yeah. I don't want to rush you or make you feel like you have to do things with me. If you don't want to then I will wait until you are comfortable," he said. I looked at my lap.

"I trust you, Logan. Lacey and I know that you won't hurt me like James did," I said, softly. He kissed my temple and nodded.

"Whatever you want to do I will do for you," he said.

"I want to take a shower with you," I said. He smiled lightly.

"Okay," he said, "But if you get uncomfortable, I'm going to get out so you can finish." I nodded as we walked to the bathroom.

We stepped in the shower and I watched my dominant mate as he moved my hair. I looked down and he lifted my chin. He asked with his eyes if I was okay and I nodded. I grabbed the shampoo and he put it on his hand. I closed my eyes as he gently massaged my head. I felt him rinse the shampoo out and glanced up as he took the soap. He rubbed my body and moved slowly as if I would slap him if he went any faster. He watched my expression and I kept my face blank.

"Can I wash you?" I asked. He nodded and handed me the shampoo. He knelt down and I rubbed the shampoo into his silky hair. He stood to rinse the shampoo out and I put soap on my hands. I rubbed my hands on his perfectly tan skin and he watched me.

"I love you," he said as I kissed his chest.

"I love you more," I said.

"I love you the most," he said.

"I love you the mostest."

"I love you more than the mostest," he smirked. I pouted and he kissed my lips. "We should get dressed so the boys are waiting on us." I nodded and started getting out.

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