Chapter 52

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A month later, Logan and I walked through the living room talking to the people that were injured with Athena who was giving them flower crowns. My stomach was huge. Doctor Heather said that Freddie grew faster than normal and that he should be coming any day now. I was wearing one of Logan's shirts since I decided that it wasn't worth to spend money on buying pregnancy clothes when there was a war right outside our doors. I always absently minded rubbed my large stomach.

Everyone had gotten the idea that Logan and I were treating each other as equals and that they all needed to treat each other as equals. Of course, Logan was still rubbing his hand on my leg at the dinner table or grabbing my butt at home when I decided to cook or shower. But no one saw those moments. They saw us debating plans and agreeing on them before we announced them to the pack and guard. I was proud that Logan and I were starting to make a change in the pack.

"Luna, Alpha,, we have a group of prisoners in the basement that are ready to be questioned about-" a guard started. Logan and I both gave him a pointed look for talking about the war and prisoners in front of Athena.

"We will discuss this topic later," Logan stated, "For now place them in top security holding cells with the others." The guard nodded as we continued walking through the cots.

"Luna..." a female guard said. I touched her head and smiled.

"Hello," I said, softly.

"Your baby... is it a boy or a girl?" she asked.

"A baby boy," I said, touching my stomach.

"What's his name?" she asked.

"We will announce it after his birth," I said. She smiled.

"Smart, smart, smart," she muttered. Logan smiled at me as I stood straight. I held my back and Logan put one arm around my waist.

"Do you want to take a break?" Logan asked. I shook my head.

"Athena is having fun and I don't want to ruin it," I said. Logan gave me a skeptical look and picked me up. A giggle was released from my mouth and Logan smiled as the pack lightened.

Hermes had unconnected Liam and Devin from my mind and it was a little weird. It was like I was missing a part of me. But at the same time I was excited that they would be with their mates. The next stop was Hades and I was super nervous for that. I mean he is the God of the Underworld. And-

I was suddenly uncomfortable. I pushed it aside as Logan rocked me in his arms and I rubbed my belly. I felt another squeeze and I gripped his shirt. He looked down and I closed my eyes. I took deep breaths and Logan called for someone. Someone moved my hair.

"Papa..." I muttered.

"I'm right here Angie," Papa said. I reached for his shirt. I realized I was having contradictions.

"The baby... I need to-" I screamed and I felt movement around me.

"Take her upstairs. That baby is coming into this world and it's going to come fast," Doctor Heather said. I felt Logan going upstairs.

"Logan," I said.

"Mommie!" Jackson yelled.

"Jackson, go to Uncle Tank!" Logan ordered. I screamed and Logan ran into a room. He laid me down on the bed and took my hand.

"She isn't crowning yet and her water just broke so we can't push yet," Doctor Heather said. I screamed and felt someone attaching machines to me.

"Can she have pain medicine so she isn't in-?" Logan asked.

"Yes Alpha Logan. Don't worry," Doctor Heather said. I felt a needle in my arm so I looked and it was Doctor Heather was putting medicine in my body.

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