Chapter 53

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Logan and I went to our house due to Mariam, Mama, and Papa saying that we needed to be home for at least the first couple weeks, or rather until Freddie could sleep through the night without waking up. Luckily, Allen had finished Freddie's nursery and Jackson's room was a working progress. I laid in bed with Freddie in my arms. It was easier to sleep with him instead of walking over to the nursery every other half hour.

"Mommie?" Jackson asked as he walked in and I was just about to fall asleep.

"Yes baby boy?" I asked. He stood in front of me and I smiled at him.

"Can I get you something? Daddie is making sugar cookies," he said. I smiled.

"Tell Daddie to bring me coffee and cookies when they are done, okay?" I asked. He nodded and ran downstairs. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


I was running towards something. I wasn't sure what. All I knew was that I had to catch it before someone else did. I was my responsibility to catch it. If I didn't something bad would happen. Was I chasing one of my children? No. They were Logan. Was it important? Of course it was. Why else would I be chasing it?

"Angel..." Logan's voice rang out. I sat up and I realized that it was just a dream. I had Freddie against my chest.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked.

"I got you your coffee and cookies," he said. I smiled and he sat on the bed next to me. "Jackson and the girls are down for their naps." I leaned on his shoulder.

"Good. Can you hold him while I eat?" I asked. Logan took Freddie carefully and made faces at him.

"Who is a cutie?" Logan cooed as I took a drink of coffee. I chuckled and shook my head.

"You are," I said. He leaned over and kissed me gently. I heard a jingle and we both looked towards the sound. The rattle was floating and shaking.

"What the hell? Is Freddie doing that?" Logan asked.

"Freddie, stop it," I said. The rattle fell and I looked at Logan.

"How are we going to keep that our son has magical properties if he does things like that?" Logan asked.

"I have no idea... Maybe we should embrace it and be different," I said. He shook his head.

"We will get in trouble with the Werewolf Council for habouring a wizard or witch," he said. I teared up and looked at my lap.

"We will learn how to keep it a secret for everyone's sake," I whispered. Logan kissed my head and I laid on his lap after putting the coffee down.

"I wish we didn't have to this to our child. However, I want him to grow old and have a family like we do," he said, softly.

"I am so sorry. This is my fault and-" I started. Logan covered my mouth.

"No baby. Whoever casted that damn spell is what caused our baby boy to not be true to himself," he said. I took Freddie as Logan laid behind me and wrapped me in his arms.

"We need to find out who casted the spell and punish them for destroying our son's life before it ever began," I said. He growled.

"It was probably that damn Beta James. He is the only one I have seen that is both wolf and has magic," he said.

"The whole Mystic pack uses magic," I said.

"Used. Remember, they aren't a pack anymore," he said. I looked at Freddie and sighed.

"I know but it's hard when we are fighting them," I said.

"They are an illegal pack now... Go to bed. You need the nap time as well," he said.


I woke up to nothing in my arms. I sat up and looked around. Logan was gone and Freddie was too. I smiled at the fact Freddie was a Valentine's Day baby. I thought that was kinda romantic to have a baby on that day.

"Logan?" I called out. I heard laughing downstairs. I crept down the stairs and saw Logan and Sira in the living room.

"Ah, the Luna is awake," Sira said. I smiled.

"Hello Father," I said. He smiled and Artemis walked out of the kitchen.

"Angela! Darling! How are you?' Artemis asked. I yawned and sat on the stairs.

"I'm good. Just tired," I said. I leaned on the banister.

"You should sleep a little more, darling," Logan said. I shook my head as I spotted Freddie in the corner in the crib.

"Freddie. Come here," I said. He started floating and landed in my arms.

"Did I see that right?" Sira asked. Logan nodded as he looked at me.

"You can't tell him to use magic," Logan said. I shrugged.

"I was lazy and didn't want to use energy to walk over there and pick him then sit back down," I said, looking at my child.

"You have to be careful about that though, Angela. It's a dangerous world out there for pups like him," Artemis said, looking at me with a serious look.

"He is a Valentine's Day baby. My perfect love child," I muttered, closing my eyes. Logan chuckled and I felt myself getting lifted.

"Time for bed silly mate," Logan said as he carried me to bed. I smiled at him as he laid me down in bed.

"Can I have a kiss please?" I asked. He leaned down and kissed me firmly. I used my free hand to pull him down and he moaned.

"Angel, if you continue this you are going make me leave your parents waiting," he muttered, pulling away slightly.

"But I want to kiss you," I said, laying Freddie down on the pillow before rolling to the foot of the bed. He fitted his lips again and we attacked each other with out lips.

"Gorgeous... Absolutely gorgeous," he said as we kissed. It was moments like that I lived for because it was quiet and full of love.   

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