Chapter 37

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I felt Logan move and I opened my eyes. We were in the tub still and it looked like we fell asleep in the tub. I moved and Logan smiled at me.

"The girls slept through the night," he said. I smiled and punched the sky.

"That's the best thing so far," I said. He chuckled and kissed my forehead.

"Do you want to get out?" he asked. I looked at him.

"Carry me?" I asked. He smiled and picked me up as he stood.

"You know having Jackson is a little weird but I do love him with everything I am," he said. I looked at him as he wrapped the towel around me.

"Thank you Logan," I said. He hugged me and I heard the first of cries from the crib. "I got them."

"Mommie?" Jackson asked.

"Jackson! What are you doing?" I asked, holding the towel close to my body.

"I'm hungry," he said. I nodded.

"Go to your room and Mommie will be there to-" I started.

"I want Daddie to help me," he said. Logan walked out of the bathroom in jeans.

"Okay, come on little Alpha," Logan said, grabbing a black shirt. They left and I watched.

Don't worry. Logan said that he loved Jackson. Jackson needs a strong model like Logan and Charles so he can be a good Alpha, Lacey said.

I know Lacey. But I kinda wanted to spend time with my son... And how did he have clothes in there? I asked.

He got them last night after we fell asleep. He likes seeing us in towels because it reminds everyone of dominance, she said.

"Your daddie is a meanie," I told the crying Lily and Cate. I picked them up and rocked them.


"Then Daddie told me that I can be the hero when I get to be eighteen," Jackson said as we all started breakfast. Auntie and Mark treated Jackson as a prince. Logan and Uncle wanted him to be a responsible Alpha so that's how they treated him. The boys treated him as a friend.

"Stop playing with your food," I said as I noticed that he was building a waffle building. He looked at me and turned up his nose.

"But Daddie is," he said continuing. I looked at Logan who was building a waffle building as well. Allen nodded.

"Logan," I stated. Logan chuckled.

"It's fine. Alphas need fun food to eat," Logan said. I moaned.

"You are a child," I muttered. He leaned to my ear.

"We will see tonight if you still think I'm a child," he said. I blushed and looked at my plate.

"Mommie's face is all red!" Jackson exclaimed. I smiled at him and patted his head.

"Eat your breakfast baby boy," I said.

"You guys should finish your mission then come back to punish the mean girl," Uncle said as we finished. I wiped Jackson's face off of syrup and crumbs.

"We will need an extra SUV," Logan said. Uncle threw me a set of keys.

"Thank you," I said. He nodded and I picked up Jackson.

"Mommie, I want birdie," Jackson declared.

"Maybe when we get home, okay?" I asked. He nodded and leaned on my shoulder.

"I'll pack. You get the kids ready," Logan said. I put Jackson down then picked up Cate and Lily from the play pen.

"Hold Mommie's belt Jackson," I said. Jackson did as he was told and I walked outside.

"Do you like toys?" Jackson asked. I looked down at him, confused.

"Who are you talking to baby?" I asked. He looked up as we stopped by the SUV that we brought. Tank already installed Jackson's car seat.

"Lily and Cate. I want to know if they like toys," he said. I chuckled as I put the girls in the car seats.

"They can't talk yet baby boy," I said.

"Oh," he said as I picked him up and put him in his car seat.

"Don't worry. One day they will be able to talk to you and then we can all have fun," I said. He nodded as I buckled him up.

"Daddie!" Jackson yelled as Logan walked over with Jackson's suitcase and backpack.

"Hey little man. Doesn't Mommie look beautiful?" Logan asked. I looked down as Logan opened the back.

"Mommie is the daughter of a goddess. Maybe the Moon Goddess," Jackson said, making grabby hands for his backpack. Logan chuckled.

"I know she is," Logan said as Jackson looked through his backpack.

"It's gone! Mommie, it's gone! Where did it go!" Jackson started crying.

"What's gone Jackson?" I asked.

"My parrot! He was in here and he has yours and Daddie's lockets in it!" Jackson cried. My heart broke a little. Keith and I had necklaces that completed a heart and I didn't know that they gave Jackson the necklaces.

"What does the parrot look like?" Logan asked.

"Red and yellow and blue," Jackson cried.

"I'll go look," I said. Logan nodded and I walked back to the house.

"What's wrong?" Auntie asked.

"Jackson lost his parrot. He is crying and I am a horrible mother," I said. Auntie hugged me.

"The parrot is on the couch and no you aren't. You just weren't prepared to do it. Jackson is two and you didn't raise him," she said. I sighed and picked up the parrot.

"Thank you," I said, rubbing my face.

"Don't worry about it. You are an amazing mother and wife so go out there and make your boys smile," she said. I hugged her again.

"Thanks Auntie," I said. She patted my back and I jogged out to the SUV. "Jackson, look what I found," I said. Logan was bouncing Jackson on his hip.

"Pierre!" Jackson yelled. He reached for it and held on to it.

"Better?" Logan asked. Jackson nodded and leaned on Logan's shoulder.

"Come on. We need to hit the road," I whispered. Logan sat Jackson in his car seat and buckled him up.

"I'll drive," Logan said as we climbed into the front seat.

"Duh," I said. Jackson chuckled but he sounded like he was still regaining composure.

"Let's go," Logan said. 

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