Chapter 32

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"You are so pretty," Logan told me as he walked in on me picking up the girls.

"I know you are talking to the girls," I said. He laughed and shook his head.

"I'm not. I'm talking to the person holding the girls," he said. I blushed.

"Stop it, Loggie. We have stuff to do and flirting with each other isn't one of those things," I said. He kissed me and lifted Cate out of my arms.

"You listen here, Cate. If your sister's and your mate don't flirt with you two at every moment then he is a bad mate," he said. I kissed him and shook my head.

"How did you know that was Cate? I always have to look at the colors and think for a second," I said. He chuckled.

"I just know all my girls," he said. I smiled and he kissed my lips.

"Are you two ready?" Tank yelled. I giggled and started down stairs. Allen and Tank stood on the bottom step.

"Where's Corey?" I asked. The boys all raised an eyebrow at me and I looked at Lily who looked back at me.

"He is eating breakfast with his family," Allen said.


"It's his birthday, Love," Logan said. I stared at him.

"Oh god! I forgot about Corey's birthday! I am a horrible friend and-" I rushed. Logan grabbed me.

"You have been stressed out and worried about the pups it's only natural you forgot," he said. I sighed.

"But he is our friend and I am the only one who forgot his birthday," I said softly. Logan smiled and shook his head.

"I forgot too," he said. I nodded and rocked Lily as she stared up at me.


I walked up to Corey's front door and knocked softly. Allen, Logan, and Tank forced me to go up because Corey's parents are a bit... overbearing.

"Luna Angela! How are you?" Ms. Penatki asked as she opened the front door.

"Hi Ms. Penatki! I am here to pick up Corey," I said. She waved me in.

"Corey! Luna Angela is here!" she yelled.

"Luna. Look at you. We were just looking at pictures of when you were all younger," Mr. Penatki said. I smiled.

"Like what?" I asked.

"When the five of you got first in the science fair," he said, holding up a picture.

Allen was on the far left. He had a red plaid collared shirt on with blue jeans on and he had the same crooked smile he has now. Logan was next to him. He was wearing a blue collared shirt that was tucked into his jeans. His smile was showing off his missing teeth on either side of his front teeth. Tank was standing next to Logan. Tank had a white t-shirt on and jeans on. He had a smirk knowing he had made me and Corey fall like thirty seconds after the picture. Corey was next and he was helping me lift the trophy. He had dark blue jeans on with a white collared shirt. He looked so proud of himself for leading us to victory. I was last. I had on a white shirt, a black skater skirt, a black sweater and white keds on. My hair was braided and I was only half smiling.

"This picture is amazing," I said, chuckling. We were all so young.

"Then keep it. We have six extras," Corey said. I smirked at him.

"This is...." I started singing.

"Don't you dare," he said.

"Your birthday song! It isn't very long. Hey!" I sang to him. He covered his face.

"You are a weirdo! You need a lot of help! Hey!" Corey sang back.

"Aw... Thanks," I said. He hugged me and the Penatkis reached for the camera.

"Don't." The flash went off and I laughed as Corey shook his head.

"Parents always win Corey," Mr. Penatki said. I giggled as Corey shook his head.

"So how are the pups, Luna?" Ms. Penatki asked. I smiled.

"Lilian and Caitlynn are absolutely amazing. They are getting so big so fast," I said.

"Corey told us you and Logan are pregnant once more," Ms. Penatki said. I blushed and touched my stomach.

"Our first boy," I said. Mr. and Ms. Penatki smiled and looked at each other.

"I remember eighteen years and four months ago when we found out we were pregnant with our beautiful baby," Mr. Penatki said. I smiled at Corey and he blushed.

"Mom... Dad... We should get going so we can release my mate," Corey said. Ms. Penatki started crying.

"Oh. My baby is trying to release his mate. Oh god. I love the idea someone will tame my baby boy," Ms. Penatki said. Corey hugged her.

"It's okay, Mom," Corey soothed.

"I thought when you rejected Angela that it was it for you. But now we know that there is a real mate for you in the Luna's head," Ms. Penatki said. I smiled at her.

"But you did put me in a lot of pain, Penatki," I teased. He blushed and I smiled, lightly.

"Sorry about that. I wasn't thinking straight," he said. "I was depressed about losing my first wolf."

"It's okay, Corey. Your mate is right here," I said, tapping my head. Corey kissed my forehead, lightly.

"I don't know who you are or what you will look like but I love you already," Corey whispered to my forehead. I smiled until a sharp pain exploded in my head.

Mate! Mate! Don't talk to him! a foreign voice yelled in my head. I fell to my knees.

I have a mate! Who are you? I asked through a mind linked.

"Angela!" Logan yelled.

Devin. Yes I am a girl. Don't judge my name, the voice said.

I am not judging you! I yelled.

"Angel? Can you hear me?" Logan asked.

Please stop! You are hurting her! Lacey yelled. I fainted as the two wolves in my head started fighting.

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