Chapter 9

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I was in the back seat with Corey and Allen and Tank were in the front seat. Allen was driving. We had six hours before we were in Las Vegas. Six hours before we start figuring out how to get them their mates back.

"So Luna Angela," Allen started. I laughed with a slight moan.

"Please don't say that," I said. The boys laughed.

"Why not, Luna? We are just being respectful to our leader," Tank said.

"Logan has been calling me that nonstop. It's driving me insane," I said.

"People will call you that the rest of your life," Corey pointed out. I rolled my eyes.

"Sadly," I said.

"You don't like being Luna?" Corey asked. I shook my head.

"No, I don't. I know I should but I don't belong in the high rankings," I said, softly. It was the first time I had ever admitted that to anyone including myself. I was the Beta's daughter for crying out loud! High rankings were my whole life.

"Have you told Logan?" Tank asked. I shook my head.

"I can't," I said.

"Why not? You are his mate," Allen said. I rolled my eyes.

"Have you seen his temper?" I asked. I knew I shouldn't have brought it up but I was comfortable enough with them.

"Sadly, whatever you saw was the smallest part of his temper, Ang. We have watched him kill in cold blood and for sport," Tank said. I stared at him through the rear view mirror.

"Logan wouldn't kill anyone," I whispered to myself.

"Not around you. None of us would," Allen said, "You are a Pacifist."

"You all have killed?" I asked.

"It's in my job description," Tank said. I looked at my lap.

"Corey and Allen?" I asked.

"Nope," Allen said.

"Did I kill the semi truck driver or nah?" Corey asked.

"Nah," Tank said.

"Then no I haven't," Corey said. I shivered.

"Topic change," I stated.

"How's life with a mate? I feel like we have barely hung out since you and Logan mated," Allen said.

"It does feel like that," I commented. "Logan is very overprotective of me." The trio shot me a look.

"He has always been overprotective of you but now he can properly be overprotective of you," Tank said. I cocked my head.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Everyone who even thought about asking you out in a date, Logan would threaten to murder them if they touched you," Corey said. I looked at my lap.

"That's kinda sweet," I whispered as my face warmed up.

"Of course the mate would say that," Tank said.

"Natural habit. As soon as your mates are out of me, you will see," I said. Corey pecked my cheek causing me to look at him.

"If our mates are in you then us kissing you is technically kissing them," Corey said.

"Someone is a romantic!" Tank yelled.

"But the logic is sound," Allen said.

"I guess that works," I said.

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