Chapter 50

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I opened the door to my pack room, slowly. I could hear Logan trying not to cry in there so I knew that I was in the right place. He was sitting in the window and I walked to him. I leaned on his back and didn't talk.

"They'll see me as weak now, Angie. I'm suppose to be the most dominant wolf in the pack and my own mate made me bow my head in submission," he said.

"I'm sorry," I said. I felt ready to cry for basically embarrassing him.

"I always thought I would be like my father and be the power house Alpha until my son grew up but I just bowed in submission," he sounded ready to cry.

"I'm sorry," I whispered. He took a deep breath and I lost it. I ran downstairs and out the front door. I know that everyone was watching but I couldn't stay in that house. 

I ran through the woods and kept running through the woods. I tripped and fell but I didn't stand up. Why would I? It was my fault that my mate was crying. I stood up to him in public and embarrassed him in front of the whole pack. The four wolves in my head didn't even speak up because they knew it was useless to attempt to help me. I curled up into a ball.

"This isn't what I expected from a Luna that is half goddess," a male's voice said. I sat up and there stood a man in a... mail man's outfit?

"Who are you?" I demanded, scooting away. He squatted and smiled.

"Hermes, technically to you I guess I'm Uncle Hermes," he said. I wiped my tears and stared at him.

"You came here?" I asked. He smiled.

"Your mother convinced all the Gods and Goddesses to help you with the little problem you have with the wolves," he said.

"What are you going to do?" I asked. He moved my hair.

"Don't worry there is only me and one other step after me. I just have to create a life bubble for each wolf in your head," he said.

"Liam is attached to my heart though. You can't create a life force for him. I am the life force," I said. He nodded.

"Unless we split your heart," he said. I stared at him.

"Split my heart?" I asked. He nodded.

"He can only be connected to part of your heart so one half of your heart will go to his body and the other half will stay in you," he said.

"Have you done it before?" I asked. He nodded.

"Apollo doesn't know how I do it. That whole death thing is that you two are completely attached for the rest of your lives and you need to care and watch each other until you die together," he said.  

"Does it hurt?" I asked. He shrugged.

"Depends really. If you ignore him, more than child birth. If you don't, he will be your best friend until death," he said. I smiled.

"Let's do this," I said. He scooted closer and I touched my head.

"We are going to do Sarah first," he said. I nodded and relaxed under his firm hand.

There was a slight tingling sensation that made me drowsy and it felt good. The wolves moved around, slightly excited to each get their own life force. I smiled and purred. Hermes moved my hand with his free hand. I smiled at him then closed my eyes. I felt Sarah getting her own little life force. I suddenly felt empty. I whimpered.

"Angela!" I heard someone yell but I was so relaxed and comfortable that I couldn't respond to whoever yelled for me.

"Let her go!" Tank demanded. I touched Freddie quickly so they wouldn't mess something up. I heard a few grunts and smacks into trees.

"What is going on?" Corey breathed.

"What the hell did that?" Allen asked.

"Done," Hermes said. I looked at the Allen, Corey, Tank and Logan who were all sitting against trees.

"Hermes is separating your mates from my head and the pup did that," I said.

"Wolves don't have magical properties," Hermes said. I looked at him and touched my stomach. I knew Freddie did it because he was my pup.

"What mate did you separate?" Allen asked.

"Sarah," I whispered. I was still offended that Hermes didn't think my son could hold magical powers just because he was wolf.

"Take her home to rest. I'll disconnect Devon tomorrow," Hermes said. I felt Logan trying to pick me up but I leaned away.

"Angel, please let me carry you," he said. I nodded and he gently picked me up. I hung limp in his arms and he sighed.

"She's just as stubborn as her mother. Don't take it personal," Hermes said. Logan nodded and started walking. He rocked me, humming a song. It vibrated his chest. I chose not to react.

"We are having a serious talk when we get home," he said.

"Is it home or just another place where I am just girl?" I asked softly. Logan looked at me and sighed lightly.

"A long discussion," he stated. I decided to keep my mouth shut.  

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