Chapter 41

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We returned to the room around ten and the boys ran out, freaked out. Jackson was sitting between his sisters and petting their heads. I picked up Cate and Logan picked up Lily. I bounced Cate on my hip and then sat on the bed next to Jackson.

"I thought I told you to go to bed Jackson," I said as Logan sat on the other side of Jackson.

"My baby sisters wouldn't stop crying until I touched them. It's because I'm their big brother and it's my job to protect my little siblings," Jackson said. I smiled and kissed his forehead.

"I believe that is true," Logan said. I smiled at my boys and placed Cate on Jackson's lap.

"Smile boys," I said, grabbing my camera. I took several pictures and the boys smiled at me the whole time.

"Okay bed time Jackson," Logan said, taking Cate from his lap. Jackson laid in the bed.

"Story?" Jackson asked. I sat next to him as I pulled sheets over his small body.

"What type of story?" I asked.

"A story about a princess being saved by prince!" he said. Logan raised his eyebrow as he put the girls down.

"Okay... Once upon a time-" I started.

"Pierre!" Jackson screamed and Logan walked to Jackson's backpack.

"Here you go," Logan said, putting Pierre in Jackson's arms.

"Thank you," Jackson said.

"Once upon a time there was a very handsome prince that loved looking at this one princess because she was beautiful," Logan said as he sat on the other side of Jackson.

"Was Mommie the princess?" Jackson asked.

"No baby. I'm not a princess," I chuckled. Jackson pouted.

"It has to be you, Mommie," he said. I cocked my head at him.

"Why's that?" I asked.

"You are the beautifulest girl alive and no one should look at anyone except you," he said. I blushed and Logan kissed Jackson's forehead.

"How about we go to bed and Daddie will finish the story tomorrow? Does that sound good?" Logan asked. Jackson laid down with Pierre and closed his eyes.

"Night baby boy," I said, kissing his forehead. He hummed and Logan pulled me to him. I giggled and he captured mine. I smiled into the kiss and he picked me up where my legs wrapped around his waist.

"Daddie wants to finish cleaning Mommie's beautiful body," he whispered to me. I blushed and nodded.

"Does Daddie want to carry Mommie to the bath tub?" I asked.

"Oh yes," he said. I laughed and held his neck.


The next day, I dressed Jackson after I dressed myself. Logan was getting the girls ready. Jackson kept moving and I had problems making his clothes straight.

"Look! Daddie and I match!" Jackson yelled. I smiled as I looked at Logan then Jackson, both wearing collared shirts and dark jeans.

"Yes you do because Mommie has good taste," I said. Logan rolled his eyes.

"We haven't bought clothes for Jackson yet so us boys have good taste," Logan said.

"Yeah Mommie," Jackson said.

"Who dressed you two today?" I asked. Both boys looked at each other.

"You did," they said together. I smiled and fixed Jackson's shirt.

"All done," I said as I bent down to tie Jackson's shoes.

"Thank you, Mommie," Jackson said, kissing my forehead.

"You're welcome," I said and I kissed his cheek.

"Doesn't Mommie look beautiful today?" Logan asked as he held my waist.

"Absolutely," Jackson said. I smiled at my boys.

"Thank you boys," I said. They smiled the same crooked smile.

It was so weird that they weren't son and father. They looked so alike and it was kinda scary to see. But I knew that them looking alike would help Jackson believe that Logan is his father. I smiled lightly and looked at my hands.

"What's wrong Mommie?" Jackson asked. I realized that there were tears rolling down my face.

"Nothing," I said. Logan cupped my face and stared at me.

What's wrong? he asked.

I just realized how much you and Jackson looked alike. It's nothing, I said.

I don't believe you. I know looking at Jackson caused you to cry, he whispered, moving my hair.

I miss Keith. I wish he could see our son and how beautiful he is, I said. Logan nodded and looked at Jackson.

You'll have to talk one of the Gods. Maybe they will show you, Logan said.

"Mommie? Daddie? Breakfast?" Jackson asked.

"Soon baby boy. We just have to wait for uncles," I said. Logan turned on cartoons for Jackson then led me to a corner.

"Keith will love Jackson," he said.

"I'm not worried about that," I said. He kissed my forehead.

"You miss him," he said.

"I know I shouldn't but I have a child with him, Logan," I said.

"I miss him too. He was my brother," he said.

"I know that and Keith misses us more than likely," I said. Logan pulled me close and I closed my eyes.

"You are probably right," he said.

"I loved him, Logan, and I love his son but I love you just as much if not more," I said.

"You lied when you told us that you never had a crush," he said. I shook my head.

"I never had a crush," I stated, "I was already dating Keith because he liked me then one day I looked at him and said Hey, I love this idiot. Kinda like what I did with you," I said.

"You said I love this idiot?" he asked. I smiled.

"I say it everyday," I said. He kissed me fully on the lips and I smiled into the kiss.

"Well, you know what I said when I realized that I love you?" he asked.

"What?" I asked.

"Hey, I love this sexy babe," he said. I raised my eyebrow.

"Sexy babe? Really?" I asked. He smirked.

"What can I say? Look at those legs and hips and butt and figure. I could lick you," he said, leaning closer. He licked my soft spot.

"L-Logan... Jackson is sitting right there," I stuttered.

Tell him to stop it or else, Lacey said.

"Okay, I'll stop until Freddie is born," he said, stepping back. I stepped forward.

"Not what I asked. Just not in front of Jackson," I stated. He kissed my forehead.

"Okay," he said. I hugged him and he kissed my forehead.

"Thank you for understanding," I said. He smiled and hugged me tightly.

"Anything for you darling," he said as there was a knock on the door.

"May I answer the door?" Jackson asked.

"No. Stay on the bed and let me answer the door," Logan said. I smiled and sat next to Jackson after I picked up the girls.

"Ready to go?" Tank asked as Logan opened the door.

"Following you," Logan said.

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