Authors note!

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Hello! First authors note for this book! So today was the first day of high school for me ^-^. It actually wasn't as bad as I thought it was gonna be and it was actually really fun, I had all of my classes with at least one of my friends. I wore my Mini Ladd shirt and I got a couple compliments from the guys.... It was cool cause I'm socially awkward, so while they said 'hey nice shirt' I just looked at them in complete terror cause someone was talking to me. I actually don't know how that's cool .-. Anyways enough about that. So since I started school updates are gonna be scheduled. I'm thinking every other day I'll update this book and the other days I'll update my other book, 'The gaming theory'. But on weekends like tomorrow, Saturday, and Sunday, I'll update both books! Yeah, that's about it! Sorry if this is a short authors note but I kinda had to say it! So I guess that's it! I'll see you guys later!

Ex-HeroesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin