June 13 | 10:01

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"Jimin! Jin is here!" Hearing his mom say that, Jimin left his phone- which he was messaging Yoongi on- on the bed and dashed downstairs.

"Jin hyung, hello!" He greeted, making Jin laugh and wave, greeting back.

"I still need to change, though. Let's go to my room, hyung," Jimin said, making his way up the stairs with Jin behind him.

"So, Jimin. Being busy with Namjoon, I haven't gotten to speak with you properly in almost two weeks. How've you been?" He asked before jumping on Jimin's bed face first. Then, he rolled over, eyes on the ceiling.

Jimin was inside his closet, trying to find clothes to wear. "I've been great. I started piano lessons."

"Yeah, I heard from Hoseok. Yoongi's your teacher? Can't believe a lazy ass like him even agreed to it."

Jimin laughed, the sound muffled to Jin because of the clothes in Jimin's face. Then, seeing the closet door open, he found the perfect situation to say something.

"Yah, Jimin."

"Hm?" Busy with picking out clothes, Jimin was trying to do both- listen to Jin, and find an outfit- at once.

"Do you want to hear an old man joke?"

Cracking a small smile, Jimin put something back, taking out another top, deciding to wear that one for the day. "Sure."

"Do you know when a door isn't a door?"

Grabbing a random pair of black jeans, Jimin took off his t-shirt.

"When?" Putting on the top he'd picked out, he heard Jin laugh slightly before answering.

"When it's ajar."

Almost falling over, Jimin caught himself, stumbling a bit as he laughed heartily. "What the heck, hyung? That wasn't even that funny!"

Jin was laughing with him. "But, you're laughing!"

"Because it's so ridiculous!"

Feeling a vibration around his lower back, Jin felt around the area in the bed, finding Jimin's phone. But, Jimin was too busy jumping on one of his legs inside the closet as he changed into his jeans.

"Jiminie? Are you dead? Jimi-n! I hope nothing happened. Are you okay? Hey, you haven't replied in five minutes." Jin read out the messages in reverse chronology as that's how the messages show up on the lock screen.

"What?" Jimin asked, confused, looking at Jin, finally done with putting on his jeans.

With a sly smile, Jin waved Jimin's phone. "Your boyfriend is texting you~"

"Yoongi hyung!" Jimin remembered that he'd left off on a conversation when Jin came. Then, he rolled his eyes, grabbing his phone from Jin's hand. "He's not my boyfriend, he's my teacher," Jimin grumbled.

With another laugh, Jin just said, "Well, for now. It doesn't seem you only want him as one hearing Jungkook and Taehyung's words."

Jimin groaned in complaint, knowing exactly what Jin was talking about.

"Hyung! You know they exaggerate! Why are you believing them?"

Laughing it off, Jin sat up and said, "Aren't we going? I'll take you out to eat before we can go for a movie?"

Jimin beamed, eyes full of excitement. "Okay!"

Eyebrows furrowed, but a half amused smile on his face, Jin questioned, "Why are you so excited? I'm not letting you pick the movie, you know."

Jimin shook his head and cheekily.

"You said you're taking me out to eat which means you're paying-"


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