March 09 | 22:50

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Okay, I need to clear smth out first.

I know this is really weird, and it's not easy to get at first glance unless I tell you, but obviously, in this book, they're speaking in Korean, but I'm writing their dialogues in English.

So, whatever is written is also imagined in hangul, but are translated into English when I write it (even if idk hangul, it just makes sense to me to do it this way), so that's why this chapter might sound a little... odd, since I know what the words are in Korean, so I've followed that method for the suspense?

Basically, the grammar won't make sense, but if you imagine it in Korean, it makes sense lol

About this, dealing with Jin's jokes. Obviously, Korean puns can't be written in English like that, so I just use English puns, for better effect.

So yeah, lol. Hope you enjoy the chapter~

(haven't properly edited, i was half asleep when i looked it over a few times so pls point the mistakes out if you see them, i will correct them)

Yoongi feels like he's really, really in heaven.


Playing the song Jimin wrote for him – ever since he got home – on repeat, he's never felt happier.

When he closes his eyes, all he sees is a haven of tenderness and deep sentiment. And, the best part of it all. Jimin. All the warmth, all the adoration, the whole source of illumination from the explosion of love being Jimin.

When he's listening to the song for the nth time, he notices the motif more and more. It stands out. It's strange, but a good kind of strange. He listens to closer and notices that not one note repeats once in that strain. Smiling to himself, he wonders what Jimin was thinking when writing this up; what he wanted to convey through that specific part. It sounded way too deliberate for it to be a coincidence.

After the song ends once more, Yoongi instantly goes to replay it but then his smile drops into a pout, getting a glance at the time. It's a Friday and his birthday, but he hasn't been getting a lot of sleep lately, so he'd planned to get it all the very night.

Disappointed a little that he can't stay up a little longer just to listen to the song again, Yoongi just unplugs his earphones and plays it through the speaker, heading to his closet to get changed.

However, the small customized notification sounds, making him immediately turn around to rush back to the phone, a giddy grin appearing.

It's Jimin – after the song he received, he changed the text tone instantly to make it the song Jimin wrote for him. He put in his favorite part – the tune that repeats, the motif.

Jiminie (The Best Piano Student) - From measure 20 until measure 30 [image attached]

And, that's all he'd sent (as of what Yoongi saw from the lock screen). Curious, he unlocks his phone, wondering what Jimin just sent.

When he opens the chat with Jimin, he sees the latter typing, but it soon just disappears. Fondly smiling as he imagined how Jimin would be typing, he scrolls up to see what was sent.

Attached to the text is a picture. A simple diagram of the piano keys, except this one has different letters on the keys.

After a second of idle thoughts, the realization hits Yoongi hard before he's sitting down, eyes wide and heart loud against his ribs. It was an actual message?

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