May 24 | 14:30

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"Alright, guys, just because our finals are over doesn't mean you can slack off. I may be your classmate, but I'm paying you for this, so right now, I'm your boss."

Yoongi's reminder makes everyone in the room groan, but continue doing as he said with a few grumbles.

"I had no idea you were such a romantic sap, Yoongi. I'm interested to see who makes you feel such a way?" Someone says, sighing.

With an adorable smile, Yoongi answers right back. "You'll see some time soon. He's lovely, a genius in piano, too. It's been barely even a year since he started, and he's already very very good; he's got perfect pitch."

There are gasps around the room. "What? Really? If you say he's really good, then he must be. But, wow! In less than a year? That's amazing!" a person says.

Someone else nods in agreement, "Yeah. But, I expected it would be hard to snatch Yoongi's heart. Doesn't surprise me a musical genius did it," he snorts.

Rolling his eyes, Yoongi pushes his lips up in distaste. "It's not because of that, it's because of how much he loves the piano," he says, eyes all lovestruck, voice sweet when talking about Jimin. "He really loves it a lot, and I do, too. That's what started it, I think. He's really..." he trails off, thinking of a word, hearts in his eyes. "He's really something, alright. Can you believe it? He gave me a song he composed himself for my birthday!"

"I never thought I'd see Yoongi like this–"

"Yeah, oh my god, he's so whipped."

"Wait— he wrote you a song? How was it?"

Yoongi, ignoring all the other comments, sighs affectionately. "Well, I cried."

Another round of gasps go around and someone, being a smart-ass, comments. "Because it was bad?"

Yoongi throws him a look before answering, "No, because it's... it's really one of the most heartfelt songs I've heard. It's actually how... how he confessed to me," he shyly adds, cheeks flushing.

"Honestly, if I had known we'd get all the gossip about Yoongi's love life from him himself, then you wouldn't even have to pay me to do this," another person says.

Yoongi finally snaps, and sternly, without much harshness, scolds, "I can withdraw all of your money if you aren't going to start right now. We got only a few hours for this room."

Everyone whines, having been excited to hear how Yoongi and Jimin's story went. But, they diligently go back to their work.

They're all from Yoongi's music class, each person plays a different instrument, and Yoongi collected them to execute grand plan in mind.

Different sounds soon fill the room, Yoongi checking on each person to see if they have any confusion or difficulty, wanting to make them fully understand. He can't afford any mistakes.

This has to be utterly perfect.


"Can we hear the Yoongi Jimin story, now?" someone asks, making others also nod in curiosity.

Yoongi just lets out a breath of exasperation.

"Alright, fine."

Everyone cheers.

"But, first. You all have to show me the first two bars together," he adds, sitting down at the upright piano in the room, ready to play.

Everyone groans.

"Come on, don't slack off. I can't afford anything less than perfect for Jiminie, okay?"


NOW I HAVE TEN DAYS (well 9 now since it's night for me) FREE YAYYY

There are lots of upcoming updates for sob, so I hope you enjoy that. But I'm not sure if it's actually doing to be condensed during a time period. I'm planning on rescheduling the rest of the dates for a small flaw that I realized. So it's going to be extended for maybe a month? I'm not sure, we'll see.

Anyways! I can fiNALLY START KMOTL3 SO TO THOSE WHOVE READ THAT I CAN SAY IS SAFE TO REREAD AROUND NOW AND A FEW WEEKS MAYBE. I have it all planned already, I just gotta start writing it now :> and once I'm done (there are a lot of chapters tho) I'll start the posting!

Alongside that, I'll probably work on Voice again but idk 😂 it depends. And there's a mystery fic that I've been workin on for a full year almost, but never properly got to plan bc it's a very complex plot, so I gotta plan that too. And other than that, we'll see. Time might be against me right now bc I want to do all this within these 10 days, so I don't have much to worry about later on.

Hopefully, I can pull it off. Not a lot of updates will come in this week and the next Because I'll be writing a lot, but after that, maybe 😎



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