September 25 | 18:02

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Jimin slightly glances towards Yoongi as the latter sits down next to him while he's playing. Briefly wondering what Yoongi has in his hands, he can't help but stop the thought short, dragging his attention towards the pretty sound his fingers were eliciting from the instrument.

A few minutes passing like a beat, Jimin's little session ceases, curious to see what Yoongi has brought today.

Watching intently, Jimin sees Yoongi set something like a folder and a book up on the stand.

Jimin's eyebrows rise in the realization that this is the first time Yoongi is actually bringing a book to their lessons. They've been going over audio music the past few weeks with Jimin having to guess the notes on a blank paper with bar lines. They were pretty simple, so Jimin didn't find them difficult, but it was probably because Yoongi was teaching him so well.

"... What are we doing today?" Jimin finally asks, a curious glint in his eyes.

Yoongi gives him a small smile. "We're going to compare your notes with the actual sheet," he says, pointing at the book. "The folder is all the papers of your guesses. All I can say after looking through them is you definitely do your homework, Jimin," a chuckle leaving his lips.

Humming in interest, Jimin slowly reaches for the book and turns to the first page.

"That's the first one we did."

Reading over the title at a glance, Jimin goes straight for the folder and opens it. Pulling out the first one- recognizing it after a moments of looking.

Closing the folder and putting it back, Jimin looks over the papers, eyes looking eager.

"This... what's this, hyung?"

Pointing at a symbol he didn't recognize, Jimin looks up into Yoongi's eyes, his own full of question.

"That's called a tie," Yoongi starts, a bit unnerved at himself for forgetting to teach Jimin that.

"-even if the bar ends. You got it?" Yoongi asks, for reassurance. Jimin smiles widely, eyes curving with his lips as he nods.

"I don't think I would ever not understand with your teaching, hyung."

The words bubbles a pleasant feeling in Yoongi's chest. Playfully, Yoongi shakes his head, clearly feigning a disappointment. "Always giving out praise to others but never one to yourself." A sweet grin present on his features, Yoongi says, "You're pretty amazing, too, you know that?"

Jimin just laughs, a mixture of being flustered and flattered.

"Anyways, let's continue looking at these for the rest of the hour, yeah? Let's see what you've got to improve on."

Between smiles and nods, teaching and learning, playfully teasing and laughing, the two don't even notice they're already crossing their usual time duration.

Even when they do get a glance at the clock, both act as if they didn't see, neither of them caring that they have to wake up for class the next morning;
the pretty sounds and the exquisite feeling in their heart in each other's presence making every second worth it.

Symphony of Beauty | m.yg + p.jmOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora