December 24 | 18:03

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"Wait– Yoongi hyung? Where are you going?" Hoseok's question is unheard by Yoongi, the latter dashing out the door after his eyes widen a bit, hearing a muffled announcement outside.

Running up the stairs to go behind the curtains, Yoongi finally arrives to the sight of the stage from the side. Heart racing in excitement, his eyes lighten up, taking a few steps closer – but not going beyond the curtains to be seen – to have a better look.

His lips form a small curve upwards, in a daze, as he watches. A beautiful man playing a beautiful instrument; how fitting, he thinks.

There's a rustle behind him – completely gone unnoticed as his focus was solely on Jimin and the magic spells his fingers were casting with the piano.

Hoseok and Namjoon had followed him, a little worried at the sudden leave.

"Ah, Yoongi hyung, what are you doi–" Hoseok starts, but he cuts himself short, eyes landing beyond Yoongi's shoulder to see Jimin seated in front of the piano, filling the air with music.

"Wah~" Namjoon whispers under his breath, Hoseok holding the same mesmerized expression as him.

When the song ends, the two snap out of their trance. Realizing they should be heading to the final preparations before they go on stage, Hoseok reaches to put his hand on Yoongi's shoulder so they all can go together. But, before his hand makes contact, he retracts it and takes a step back. He feels like he's interrupting an intimate moment.

A small unreadable smile forms on Hoseok's lips before he leaves the scene, dragging Namjoon with him.

Yoongi, still in a daze, is met with Jimin's eyes as the other is moving backstage after ending his performance and bowing to the applauding crowd. The two share a locked gaze of innocent happiness, hearts light.

When Jimin finally reaches the area behind the curtains, hidden away from the crowd, he forms an even wider smile, a hint of shyness behind it. "Hyung... how was I? I... I made a mistake in the middle," the words were said with his smile dropping, but then his expression brightens up again, "But, I followed your advice! Even if I make a mistake, carry it out with confidence, too! Neither will anyone notice, nor will it feel burdening and sound bad," he quotes, a joyous aura around him.

There's a pause, a few seconds for that which Yoongi just stares at Jimin with the same affectionate look before releasing a low, amused chuckle, stepping forward to pull the other into a warm hug.

For a minute, Jimin is frozen, but then he melts into the hug, too, overwhelmingly at peace. It's a few more seconds before Yoongi actually speaks, voice low and tranquil, "I'm proud of you."

The words send Jimin's heart to a world outside of earth, an unseen blush appearing in his cheeks. He whispers back a reply, "Thank you, hyung. It's all thanks to you."

Yoongi pulls back, the distance between them almost non-existent, but neither notice, too busy with trying to calm their own heart. And there's the smile – the smile that makes Jimin want to make this man happy forever, make him laugh forever, so the smile would never disappear.

Shaking his head, his smile still present. "No. You're special, Jimin. You're amazing. No one can do what you've done. Well, at least I haven't seen it, anyway."

The moment was like falling in love with Yoongi all over again for Jimin – wait, again? When was he in love in the first place to have it again?

The thoughts are soon dropped, Jimin just admitting to himself that he'd just been trying to convince himself all this time that he isn't in love with the beautiful pianist when he actually is.

And, for a second that he stares a bit too long at Yoongi and gets a stare back with an equally overwhelming gaze, he holds strong hopes.

For that second, he believes there's a chance that Yoongi likes him too. It all seems surreal; he wonders when he's going to wake up after this so he could complain about it not actually existing.

And the following second, he's a step away from being convinced that there's nothing to worry about; they're the two who've bonded over waltzing on piano keys, creating sounds to touch hearts – touching each other's in the process.

But just then, the moment is harshly torn away, Yoongi having to go for his stage with the others. There is an exchange of almost helpless eyes as the elder is leaving, but neither speak. However, before they part from the experience of eternity in one second, Jimin gives him a warm, reassuring smile, waving and flashing two thumbs ups.

Yoongi laughs, happiness exuding off of him as he waves back with a radiating beam then exiting the area to get ready.

Deciding he shouldn't be standing around anymore – the space would soon start to get pretty busy, Jimin steps out of backstage and heads towards the audience.

When he arrives at the area, his previous mood drops a little, seeing absolutely no seat empty. But, it doesn't take him long to carry himself back up.

He's going to stay and watch even if he has to stand up through it all; there's no way he's going to miss this.

Symphony of Beauty | m.yg + p.jmWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt