August 25 | 10:03

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"Oh, Yoongi, darling, come in~" Jimin's mother welcomes, stepping aside to let Yoongi in.

Used to it by now, Yoongi walks in naturally, in search for Jimin, who he suspects may be in the music room. But, before he goes in, he's stopped by Jimin's mother.

"Ah, Jimin is out right now. Did he forget to tell you?"

Yoongi blinks, trying to recall if Jimin said anything about going out. "Yeah, I think he did forget," he says, walking over to the couch and plopping down comfortably.

"Oh. He'll be back soon, though. He's just out grocery shopping for me," she sheepishly says, entering the kitchen, leaving Yoongi alone in the room.

It's a few seconds when he hears footsteps from upstairs stepping down, a yawn following it. Furrowing his eyebrows in confusion, he turns to look at who it is. Oh. Jimin's sister.

"If it isn't my brother-in-law," she says, wiggling her eyebrows as she seats next to him, grabbing the remote and turning on the television, letting out another yawn.

Not being able to help it, Yoongi yawns too, before he just says, "Hello."

At that, Jiyun laughs out loud. "You seemed much less nervous a year back than now, what happened? Did dating my brother change you?"

Yoongi just widens his eyes a little, unsure of what to say. "I..." he starts, but trails off.

This makes Jiyun laugh again, patting Yoongi's shoulder in reassurance. "Ah, I'm just messing with you. Stop being so serious, gosh. You don't seem like how Jimin describes you at all."

This piques Yoongi's interest. He raises his eyebrows slightly, eyes glinting with interest. He politely asks, "How does he describe me?"

With a large grin, Jiyun answers, "He says you're super cute, a genius, comfortable to hug, funny, warm, and heart-wrenchingly adorable. If I remember correctly, he once described you as 'as luminescent as the sun, as pretty as the moon'. I didn't even know he could be that poetic."

Flustered at the words, Yoongi's cheeks flush, eyes darting away. "O-oh... okay. I see."

"Wow, you're super shy. I didn't expect you to be like this," Jiyun comments, all too straightforward. The words make Yoongi's heart drop a little in fear. "But, that's alright. It's not a bad thing." Then, his heart is lifted back up in relief.

With a soft smile, Jiyun warmly says, "Thank you for making my brother happy."

The front door opens suddenly, followed by a, "I'm home," from Jimin.

Hurriedly, Jiyun stands up, winks at Yoongi as she flashes him a thumbs up before dashing up the stairs.

Finding the whole situation a little odd, but not exactly uncomfortable, Yoongi just shrugs it off, looking towards the main entrance.

"Welcome home, Jimin-ah," Yoongi says, making Jimin — who was faced away, unbeknownst to Yoongi's presence — jump, getting startled.

"Oh my god, Yoongi hyung, you scared me. I almost had a heart-attack," he says, breathing heavily as he makes his way to Yoongi. There, he just let's himself fall on the couch, on top of Yoongi, snuggling comfortably.

"I'm so happy to see you, hyung. I barely got sleep last night because of a project; I just want to sleep, right now. Please... stay... still..." his voice softly trailing off, he's already dozed off and soundly sleeping, right on top of Yoongi.

With a sigh, Yoongi smiles at the sight. Adjusting their positions for comfort, Yoongi decides, why not? He closes his eyes too, arms wrapping around Jimin's waist to fall asleep.

(When Jiyun comes back down, she snickers, and snaps dozens of pictures of the two in secret, giggling away while she sends them to all their friends.)

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