July 29 | 10:55

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Unlocking the door, Yoongi entered Jimin's house, having been informed that Jimin's mom won't be home that day until a late hour.

Locking the door from the inside, he checked the music room to see if Jimin was there. He wasn't.

Hearing muffled sounds from a room near the bathroom, he slowly sauntered towards the door.

Pressing his ear gently on the door, he listened. It was a soft sound of a recent ballad song he'd heard on the radio along with sounds with gentle thuds.

Knowing it was Jimin dancing, Yoongi couldn't help but let his hand trail toward the doorknob, heart pounding a little faster in his chest in anticipation.

As careful as he could, he turned the knob and pushed the door open, not making a sound and revealing the room.

He froze, breath caught in his throat as his eyes widened slightly, cheeks tinting slightly pink.

Grace in every step he took, every twirl he made, Jimin breezed around the room in the flow of the music. Like the air was holding its breath when he jumped, let out a shaky breath when he landed, he was magnificent; eyes closed to feel every twist and turn he made, one move from another, fluent in the language of agility.

Like every breath he took was finesse and the air around him was elegance; mesmerizing was too insulting to describe the art Jimin painted in the room.

Yoongi snapped out of his trance when he saw Jimin's eyes flutter open amidst his movements, stopping midway. "Hyung?"

Swallowing to rid of his dry throat, he waved awkwardly, lips curving up and cheeks still rosy. "Hey there, Jimin."

Stepping over to his speaker, Jimin turned off the music before checking his watch. "Oh! It's time for the weekend test thing, right? Sorry I forgot," he said sheepishly as he stepped closer to the door, "I was a bit... engrossed."

Noticing how Jimin refused to meet his eyes, slightly flustered, Yoongi grins. "It's okay. I'm a bit early today, anyway. Let's go?"

Jimin finally met Yoongi's eyes, cheeks mirroring the color of Yoongi's, he nodded. "Yeah."

Making their way to the music room, Yoongi couldn't get the sight of Jimin's beauty when he graced the air with his dancing out of his head.

"Also, Jimin-" he started, but cut himself off immediately, too flustered to admit it.

When they reached the glass doors, Jimin hummed in question, glancing at Yoongi with a slight tilt to his head.

Roaming his eyes all and around except meeting Jimin's, Yoongi said in a quiet voice. "Your dancing..."

Jimin realized what page Yoongi was on, and his heart rate strangely accelerated and cheeks reddened. He wondered what Yoongi was about to say, pausing so the latter could continue.

".... it's really beautiful."

Eyes fixated on the corner of the room, Yoongi waited for Jimin to react, cheeks evidently bright pink now.

Jimin's eyes widened for a few seconds, not really processing the words that left Yoongi's lips. Then, his chest bloomed with happiness and something he couldn't quite put his finger on before grinning widely. "Thank you, hyung."

Yoongi finally met his gaze, his mind in a daze staring at what he thought could be compared with the moment of the sun rising.

Neither of their blushes lessening, they quietly made their way into the music room, hearts fluttering with an unfamiliar emotion.

Symphony of Beauty | m.yg + p.jmWhere stories live. Discover now