November 22 | 17:20

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"Oh, you two are heading off already?" Taehyung asks, noticing Yoongi and Jimin about to leave.

"Yeah. I have to teach him, remember?" His question is stated like an answer; as if it was the most obvious.

Jungkook, who has his head lying on Taehyung's lap as he was using his phone, mischievously adds, "Seems to me you're teaching him more than what a piano teacher should teach."

In response, Yoongi scoffs. "Speak after you've even seen a lesson, brat."

The younger just flashes him a toothy grin before going back to using his phone.

"Are we walking?" Jimin asks, voice muffled to the rest as the two were now on the other side of the door.

"Yeah, we'll get there in thirty minutes if we walk. Just enough time..." the voice trails off, leaving the others in silence.

"They've never missed one lesson, have they? Ever since June?" Seokjin asks, thinking of how both of the men in topic really do enjoy the lessons to the point where they're this dedicated.

Hoseok raises his hands a little, "Actually," he starts, "Yoongi canceled once, but it was because he was sick. Jimin even came by to take care of him because I had to go to class."

Namjoon snorts, amused. "They sound inseparable."

"Unexpected friendship, though," Hoseok says, a small smile on his lips.

"But it's understandable. Hyung is in love with music - started with the piano. Now teaches Jimin hyung music, and he fell for it too."

Silence falls after Jungkook's words, truth embedded and apparent in them.

Their adoration for the piano leading them to their current friendship; their understanding of one another without the need for words; their comfort residing in each other's presence; the sound of pretty black-white keys already present in their minds when they meet gazes.

Even the bystanders aren't blind to that beauty.

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