September 04 | 18:01

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Yoongi steps into the music room, already hearing the small, gentle sounds of the piano, probably being played by Jimin.

Bubbles of happiness erupted in his heart as he approaches the instrument after closing the door.

Just as he was sitting down next to Jimin, like he always does, he notices something familiar with what he heard.

Heart skipping a beat, eyes slightly widening, he looks at Jimin with surprise.

His chest constricts in overwhelming emotions at just seeing Jimin's lips curved up. He doesn't even give Yoongi a proper glance - just a split second of a cheeky eye contact before looking at the keys again, acting as if he couldn't play without looking by now.

Jimin is just repeating a melody - like he can't get enough of it; a melody that's close to Yoongi's heart.

Not even noticing himself, Yoongi's face brightens into a smile, eyes curving happily.

Jimin was playing the song he'd released not even a full day ago, the main melody he'd created for it - the chorus, you could say. But it isn't a song with words, so rather, it was almost like a motif.

Shifting his position to just watch Jimin, Yoongi rests his elbow on the small part just in front of the keys, face resting on his hand, a fond look in his eyes.

Jimin suddenly stops making Yoongi hum in question, smile faltering slightly in concern.

"What's for today's class?"

Laughing lightly in delight, Yoongi replies, "Just continue what you're doing. Try and replay the whole song, that's for the whole class for today."

Jimin's smile is like an infection, once he did, Yoongi can't help but smile, too. "Okay, then," Jimin breathes out, excitement laced in his voice.

The way Jimin doesn't even have to check the real audio of the song to check over his correctness - that he was fixing himself - fascinates Yoongi. It touches him so much to a point, he can imagine Jimin having all the power in the world to being able to just reach out and easily touch his heart, a lovely smile playing on his lips.

He wonders how many times Jimin replayed the song to know it this well - better than himself, the creator of it.

The thought makes Yoongi's smile stay the whole hour, not even faltering in the slightest for a second.

Symphony of Beauty | m.yg + p.jmWhere stories live. Discover now